
Wrongly Translated Words in the Bible

Who and what to believe!

I am 15 years old, too young to be wise and knowledgeable as I appear to be!

The words and wisdom that you hear in my messages come from my father.

He is a dedicated child of God and has experienced much in his “adventurous” but “Christ-centred” life.

He became a child of God 49 years ago, and has been studying the Scriptures all by himself, daily 1 hour a day minimum.

He has sought to understand the bible the way God means us to understand it, studying it methodically and deeply in order to eliminate any human indoctrination in his theology.

He never reads other books of theology, in order to not confuse what men say with what God says!

He shares what he has learned with me, and I share them with you…

We decided not to belong to any particular church or denomination, so that our spirits may be free, free to see the Truth of God in his Word without being affected by the subtle but powerful and dangerous “religious indoctrinations” of today.

We study the Bible… only the bible. 


Our home is filled with bibles: English bibles, French bibles, and most importantly Greek bibles, the most important one being the one that was written in the original language that the apostles used!

Reading the New Testament in its Greek original language, (Κοινή), we notice that a number of important Greek words have been wrongly understood by scholars, and therefore wrongly translated.

Wrong translations lead to wrong interpretations which hide some of the Truth of what God has revealed to his children:

Take for example the Greek word:

«Αδης», “Hades”.

The King James Version confuses this word with “γεένναν”, which is “Hell”!

“Hell” is the lake of eternal fire where the Devil, the two beasts of Revelation and all those who were not found written in the book of life will, one day, be thrown into it…It is the second death. (Rev 20:14-15)

No one is in Hell yet.

Hades, on the other hand, refers to the world of the dead, the “provisional world in fire” where men go when they die, awaiting judgement day, and where Jesus himself went and preached the Good News of salvation after his crucifixion (as it is written in 1 Peter 3:19-20).

According to Jesus, Hades is situated in the center of our earth (Matthew 12:40), where some live in the fire, and others, in Paradise… (Luke 16: 19- 31)

In Hades, the “Good News of Salvation” was preached by Jesus himself, and it follows that those who are in it can still be saved: Atheists, Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus, will see the founders of every religion there. Only Jesus Christ will be absent…

In Hades, everyone will know who the True God is, and those who will submit to him will be saved!

 Knowing this, we, Christians, need not to be evasive anymore when asked:

“What about the billions of humans that have not been told about Jesus, the only person through whom they can be saved?

Will they be condemned to go to hell?”

The answer is:

“No!  They will hear about Jesus, the Only Saviour, in the world of the dead, and those who accept him there as their Lord will be saved!” 

Another word that is also wrongly translated in our bibles is the word «αιώνα».

“Aιώνα is often translated as “forever, eternal” but should rather be translated as “era” or “age” (like in “ice age” or “stone age”), that is: “a period of time”. A long, (but possibly and usually), a limited period of time.

A good indication that this is so is found in Psalms 89:29-36-37, where God Himself promises that David’s throne will be as “endless” as the days of heaven, his kingdom will endure “forever”, just like the days of the sun, and as “eternal” as the moon.

It most certainly must not be confused with “Eternity” or “forever and ever” which come from the Greek words «αιώνες των αιώνων», as in Revelation 1:18  where it says:

“I am the living one. I died but look I am alive forever and ever” (Ειςτους αιώνες των αιώνων),

Or in Revelations 22:5 where it is written:

“The servants of God and of Jesus will …reign for ever and ever”.                    

Confusing these two words creates havoc in our theologies…

Become aware that whenever you meet the words “eternal or forever” in your bibles, the original word is “στον αιώνα” (for a particular era), except when it is referring to God himself, where it is: “Εις τους αιώνες των αιώνων”, for ever and ever!

Your theology then will become much clearer:

We will then come to understand, for instance, that the “eternal” Old Testament laws of Moses were valid only for the Old Testament “era”, (as the New Testament writers insist that they were!), and not for ever and ever. And that explains why the “eternal” laws of Moses are considered obsolete in the New Testament.

(Indeed, we are now freed from observing the “letter” of the Law, but are to keep the Spirit of the Law of Moses, that of loving above all God, and being loving to our fellow man!)

We may also realise that men may not be condemned to live in Hell for ever and ever…, but for a long period of time.

 (Only Satan and his two “beasts” are said that they will remain in hell for ever and ever… it’s written in Revelation 20:10)

Let me mention  another Greek word that could have been translated better: «θλίψη».

«θλίψη», is often translated as “hardships and trials”, but should be translated as “sorrows”, a state of being that many faithful children of God live in, and feel guilty about it, even though the bible tells us that we should expect all kind of “sorrows”, not merely “trials” in this life…

With this message, we have tried to correct some of the erroneous teachings that we see in today’s churches, due to the often wrongly translated versions they use.

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