
Unity and Fellowship among the Believers

Unity, Fellowship and honesty among the Believers in Jesus

Jesus, knowing very well that he was about to be arrested and crucified, prayed to his Father.

He spoke out-loud of what worried him most, of what he feared would happen after his departure:

He pleaded for unity among his believers:

Father”, he said, “I pray for those who will believe in me through the message of the apostles that I am sending to the nations.

I pray that they will all be one, just as you and I are one… 

May they be brought to a complete unity, so that the world will realise that I truly was sent to earth by you…” 

This prayer is mentioned in John chapter 17:…..

The early Christians fulfilled Jesus’ prayer request and were united in spirit and purpose under the leadership of the apostles.

We, however, the followers of Jesus of the 21st century, we are anything but united!

We differ even on what are the essential requirements for a person to be saved!

Some maintain that we are saved by taking part in their church’s “sacrements”, such as taking communion, confession, and being baptised only in their particular church or supposedly in the Holy Spirit, or by keeping the Sabbath etc…

We proudly call ourselves Catholics, Evangelicals, Jehovah witnesses, Seventh day adventists, Charismatics, Orthodox, and a thousand more other names but not simply “Christians”, “followers of Jesus Christ”

No wonder that no one believes in our message anymore…

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