
The most precious possession

Imagine for a moment the following scenario:

You live in a most beautiful and pleasant place, surrounded by those whom you love and who love you.

Your happiness is complete, but you know that you will have to take a trip to a distant, dangerous and ugly world where people often get lost and usually remain lost forever…

So, you must decide what to take with you in your backpack.

Instinctively you may decide to take with you whatever will help you survive there, things that may make your life safer and less unpleasant there.

But, if you were wiser, you would say to yourself: “I know that I will never be happy there, away from my loved ones, my home…

What I really need, is to take with me whatever will help me find my way out of that terrible world and get me back home, to my family, for only there can I truly be happy…”

You would then opt to leave out of your backpack some of the survival items that you may need, and make room for some more precious items, like maps, compasses and most importantly an instruction book that will teach you how to use what you have in order to help you find your way back home.

Consider now our present existence on this earth. 

We humans had to leave heaven (even though we don’t remember it) and were born into this ugly, nasty and evil world.  

We all try to make our stay here as safe, comfortable and happy as possible, and some succeed…

They even end up liking their earthly imperfect existence, and don’t give a thought about their eternal one… 

But others long to return to their former, perfect existence, near God, and are in great need of an instruction book, that points to them the true way to get there.

This most precious book is the Bible!

It is the most precious possession that you can ever have.

It is more precious than all the gold in the world!

Do you have a Bible?

Appreciate it for what it is and make good use of it.

Read it, study it daily!

It is the Only True Instruction Manual that will point you to Jesus, who is the “Way”, the Only One that can lead you to an Eternal Happiness in God’s Kingdom! 

Stop busying yourself trying to get some “scraps  of happiness” out of this world.

 Be wise: Deny yourself in this world, as Jesus instructs us, and aim wholeheartedly for his Heavenly Kingdom! 

Follow Jesus Christ, putting into practice everything he commands you in his Word:

The Bible.

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