
Not mentioning “God”

One thing greatly surprises me:

People do not give the slightest thought on God when trying to fix the woes that are threatening our world!

We observe the Bible’s prophesies become accomplished right in front of our eyes and refuse to acknowledge that he is in control and that his words about his future judgement are about to take place!

How can people be so blind to the geopolitical events that are now happening in our world as to not perceive the hand of God that is creating them…

They try to solve the woes that are increasingly threatening us by merely reforming the way we have been treating the earth itself without even considering that it is God himself who allows those calamities that we now face because of the way we treat him and one another!… because of our sins.

In the Bible it is written that the nation of Israel will cease to exist, that its population will be dispersed throughout the earth, that they will not be assimilated in the nations they will find themselves in, (even if they wanted to), but will be brought back to their own land, only to be exiled again and finally be gathered in by their Messiah, Jesus of Nazareth!   =======================

How can a mother not acknowledge the Creator when she first sees her child, at birth!

She did nothing to form him and she is so glad

to see it perfectly made, but her thoughts do not turn to God in gratitude!

Scientists discover everyday how intelligently made and incredibly complicated is the human body and every living thing that exists, the earth and universe itself included, and they do not voice out their admiration for the Creator himself but sow doubts in people’s minds (from their childhood) of his existence…

How can such persons prove themselves to be so foolish and blind to what is obvious! How can their hearts be so hard and evil as to cause humanity to be dazzled by their refusal to mention their secret admiration of the great God they certainly perceive in their work?

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