
Last Days

Summary of Revelation 10 to 22   (The Last Days)

John was given a second book to prophecy about people and nations.

In it he saw the temple of God and those in it, put aside and trampled by the nations for 42 months.

Two prophets arose and stopped the rain over Israel.

After the prophets were killed and ascended to heaven, the Kingdom of God and Christ started on earth and the dead were judged.

Satan, the great red dragon came to earth with his angels and was about to kill the baby but God intervened and took the baby to heaven and the woman went to the desert and was fed there of 1260 days.

The dragon and his angels lost the war in heaven and were thrown to earth. They attempted to destroy Israel by running the sea over her, but failed.

So then he turned against the Christians.

He brought about a beast out of the sea like himself who would make war for 42 months and who will annihilate the saints.

He also brought about another beast from the earth who spoke like a lamb, was making great signs and wonders and mislead the inhabitants of the land.

He killed all who would not worship the first beast and obliged every human to have a mark in their right hand or on their forehead.

Then suddenly the lamb appeared on mount Zion with his 144.00 of his holy faithful followers.

And suddenly he rose on the clouds of heaven and the land (of Israel) was harvested, he returned to the Temple and woes on the rest of mankind, and bring all nations all the nations against Zion in Armageddon.

A great earthquake shook the earth, divided the great city in three and hail fellon all the surrounding nations.

And the Great Babylon (Jerusalem under the beast’s rule)  who drank on the blood of the followers of Jesus and ten kings all their power to the Beast (for an hour) … fought the lamb of God and Jesus won in one day, one hour! 🏆

Then the wedding of the lamb took place.

Blessed are those who are invited to his wedding.

The heavens opened and Jesus the Lord of Lords and King of Kings appeared.

The beast and their armies fought him and were beaten.

The beast from the sea and the beast from the earth were caught and thrown alive into the lake of fire, and the rest were killed by Jesus himself, and an angel took hold of Satan, and throwed him in the abyss for a thousand years.

Those who were beheaded for the word of God and did not worship the beast or take the mark on their hands or foreheads came back to life with Jesus for a thousand years.

The rest of the dead were resurrected a thousand years later, That is the first resurrection.

And after the one thousand years, Satan was freed and gathered much of mankind and surrounded the place where the saints were living and the beloved city of God.

Fire came down from heaven, from God, and burned them all.

And Satan was also thrown in the lake of fire and will be tortured day and night for ever and ever.

The dead were judged by God himself according to their deeds.

Those in death and hades were also thrown in the lake of fire; that is the second death, together with whoever is not written in the Book of Life.

Then a new heaven and a new earth was created; for the old ones past away.

  • Zechariah 14

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