
God regretted

Let me share with you some thoughts that may help those who have an inquisitive mind, like mine:

At some places in the Bible, it is written that “God regretted” some of his actions:

For instance, it is written in Genesis 6: 6-7:

“God regretted having made the human race because of its wickedness. So much so that he was about to destroy all living beings, until he noticed Noah…

Or, in another passage of Scripture it is written:

“God regretted having made Saul as Israel’s first king”. (1Samuel 15:11)

But… isn’t God “all-knowing”? Doesn’t he know the end from the beginning? He cannot take a wrong decision can he?… and then regret of having  having taken it in the first place?!

Certainly, God the Father is “all-knowing”!

He knows exactly what the end product of every decision he contemplates to take!

But Jesus, God’s only Son is not all-knowing”, and it is he who takes the decisions on earth.

Our world was made by Jesus, and for Jesus! So the Bible says! Jesus is therefore in charge of this world. He takes the decisions, and sometimes, he does not take the best decision there is, and does, at times, regret having chosen one decision rather than another.

He is not all knowing!  He only knows what his Father reveals to him or shows him.

Whatever the Father does not tell him or show him, the Son does not know! He, himself said so!

For example:  Jesus does not know the exact time of his second coming, because the Father did not tell him!

He, himself, said:

“No one knows the exact day and hour when heaven and earth will pass away, not the angels in heaven, nor the Son… but only the Father”        (Matthew 24: 35-36).

Jesus is an un-divisible part of God, the Son of God, and as the title of “Son” implies, he is second in rank in the Deity, and submits totally to his Father, whom he calls “his God”!

All spiritual beings, and all humans however, have been created “through Jesus and for Jesus”, and are commanded to keep their hearts and eyes fixed on Jesus Christ, much like they would fix them to the God the Father, if anyone could differentiate the one from the other. But it is impossible to do so, since all the attributes the Bible addresses to the Father are also addressed to the Son, except that of being “all-knowing”and “all-powerful”.

Take the scenario where a glorious king chooses a wife for his son.

Would it be proper if she pledges allegiance, love and submission to the Father king, whom she loves and admires so much, when she was created, chosen and commanded to worship the King’s Son?

Of course not!

Let all Jehovah Witnesses re-consider their stubborn refusal to have their hearts and eyes fixed on Jesus!

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