
Do you want to become a good person?

          Do you have a “good heart”?

There are a few persons in this world that genuinely have a “good heart”. They are few in numbers and hard to find…

In spite of their particular character that may spoil them, and in spite of the sinful ways they may have been contaminated with,    they do have a good heart hidden deep inside them!

Such people sincerely wish they could live in a proper, holy, righteous and selfless way, doing good to others, even though they do not often succeed since they are imprisoned in a body that is full of weaknesses and since they are surrounded by an ugly, evil world…

They wish they were able to live and act in such a way so as to be able to respect themselves but do not manage to do so, and end up being deeply disappointed, hating themselves for what they have become…

Are you such a person?

Does your heart prick you to change, to become the better person that you want to be?

You can do it, with God’s help!

Trying to change yourself by relying on your own “willpower” will always end up in failure.

A “godly willpower” however will do miracles:

In this kind of “willpower”, you must put in the “will”, and ask God to put in the “power”!

We do not have the power to really change ourselves. We need God’s help!

And God is searching for such persons, to help them become what they should be.

He says in 2 Chronicles 16: 9

“The eyes of the Lord search the whole earth in order to strengthen those people whose hearts are longing to be pleasing, fully committed to him!”

If you will only turn to your Creator to help you, God will send his Holy Spirit in you to change you from within and make you into a new person.

That is God’s speciality!

Every true child of God has experienced this.

It truly works!

God’s power is given to us the very moment that we submit our will to him, and put our faith, our love and obedience in his Son, Jesus Christ, and in his Word.

 It is called: being “born again”, becoming a new spiritual being!

Do you want to experience such an unbelievable transformation of your being?

You can, if you will ask God to help you in all sincerity.

God does not impose himself upon us! He is waiting for us to turn to him and invite him to come in our hearts and help us fight whatever is evil within us.

Listen to what Jesus says in Revelation 3: 19 – 20

“I stand at the door of your heart and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in him and dine, become very close friends with him and he with me…

I will show them where they go wrong, and I will correct and discipline them like a father does to his children.

They must, however, show zeal and allow me to change their ways!”

Indeed, we have to work hard at becoming more like Jesus:

First of all, we must keep ourselves well away, and at any cost, from evil, in whatever  form it masters us most:

Sexual immorality, greed, self-centredness, lying, slealing and so much more… We must truly learn to hate sin!

And then, quietly and miraculously, Jesus, (who now lives in us), will help us live a holy life, always doing the right and loving thing.

He will change us, as long as we mean business with God, reading the Bible daily, and obeying his Spirit.

Jesus will help us free yourself from whatever you have become addicted on.

The immoral persons will become… holy,

The crooks will become… honest,

The wicked will become… Christ-like!

The self-centred will start caring for others…

And then, you will be able to respect yourself, being proud of who you are, what you have become in Christ Jesus.

And, as a bonus, you will receive eternal life!

For it is written in Romans 2: 6 – 10,

“God will make every person reap what they have sown and deserve in this life:

To those who have been honestly seeking to do what is “good” and pleasing in God’s eyes, God will give them, in the eternal, hereafter life: the honour, the glory and immortality that they have been yearning for…

But to those who have lived a self-centred life, who chose not to believe in the Truth and do what is not right, there will be much wrath, anger, distress and trouble awaiting them!”

So, if you have a good heart, you are eligible to be chosen by God

to be changed into a truly good person… if you will let him.

If, however your heart is deceitful and evil like that of most people, but are conscious of it and want to be good…ask God to actually change your heart and mind.

God will see your repentance and will act by giving you a new heart and draw you to his Son and into his Kingdom.

For Jesus said, in John 6: 44

“No one can come to me unless my father draws him to me”.

Jesus will change you into the better person that you long to be.

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