
Divorce and remarriage

  “Firing” your spouse out of the family unit and remarrying! 


I would like to talk to you about the awful subject of divorcing our spouse and remarrying.

Three years ago my wife left our home and two of my children followed her…

I was devastated, and still am.

Fortunately, our eldest child chose to stick with me.

I have all the love and company I need from my daughter Danielle, but I still badly need a wife…

My physical needs most definitely play a big part in me wanting to remarry, but there are other psychological needs which I do not really understand well, but which nevertheless make me the most miserable person on earth, simply because I do not have a loving wife that I am proud of at my side!

I may have my daughter’s love and company, but without a wife I feel like a big zero: 0

Actually I feel like being much less than a zero:

six zeros:  000,000.

Having the right wife by my side would change this drastically: a 1 attached to the zeros would make it: 1,000,000 !

That is exactly how I feel! I do not know why this is so, but it is so, and real.

So, I am now the most unhappy man in the world, and I long to re-marry!

Lately I found a girl in the Philippines who would love to marry me and become part of the family that my daughter and I still are!

In order to marry her, I must first get a divorce from my wife! So, I have appointed a lawyer for that purpose…


Now, I am a committed child of God, and yet I am apparently doing what Jesus forbids: Divorcing and marrying again! (see Luke 16: 18, and Matthew 5: 32)

I use the adjective “apparently” because in reality I do not go against God’s commandment, since Jesus’ said (in Matthew 19: 9, and in the original language of the New Testament):

“If a man “fires” (chases away) his wife and marries           another one he commits adultery, (unless his wife had committed adultery herself!)”

I have never chased my wives away! Not my first one, which shared my life for 20 years, nor my second one which stayed by my side for 15 years…

They are the ones that left me!

They “fired” me out of their lives pitilessly.

So, since I have not sent them away, fired them, I am allowed to remarry. And I want to marry again…

I would not have bothered to get a divorce certificate if it was not for the fact that such a piece of paper is necessary in order for me to marry again!

If polygamy was still allowed legally, I would not have been forced to divorce my wife in order to marry another one!

Why did we do away with polygamy?!

God has not disallowed it! Nowhere does the bible forbid polygamy!

On the contrary, many “men of God” in the bible were polygamous! Abraham, Jacob, David, to name a few!

The Law of Moses makes certain regulations for a polygamous family (Exodus 21: 10), and even obliges polygamy in some cases…(Deuteronomy 25:1)

God even told king David that it was he, himself, who gave David his many wives, and that said that he would have given him even more of them if David wanted it! (2 Samuel 12: 8).

Polygamy was allowed and practiced, right from the beginning of creation: Noah’s father had two wives! (Genesis 4: 19)

It certainly should not be the norm: God makes sure that there are as many men as there are women on our planet, thus one woman per man is obviously the norm. But there are exceptions!

And believe me when I say that I am an exception! If you were to talk to my wives you would soon understand why!

God accepts polygamy, where exceptions need to be made, and Jesus never forbid it.

Nor did his apostles!  Why was it abolished!

It was the church leaders, at a later date, that decided to do so. They added to God’s Word in spite of being warned in Revelation 22: 18 against it.

The church, unfortunately has changed and distorted many of God’s Words in the bible, making it often un-recognisable…

As for me, I follow the bible’s writings only:

I told repeatedly both of my wives that I consider us to still be married in spite of the certificate of divorce that I sought in order to be legally allowed to have more than one wife.

And I told them repeatedly that I want them to join me again, if they ever repent of their awful, hurtful, family-destructive sin of leaving their husband, of firing me, spiting me out of their lives like a pip…

If they were to ever return to me, my value would simply be boosted from 1,000,000 to 3,000,000!

That is how I feel!

It is wrong to forbid what God has allowed:

Polygamy is allowed! It is a prerogative that God gave to men!

Women, however, are allowed to have one and only husband in this life, (unless their spouse died…), and are told to love him, submit to him, help and serve him. (Ephesians 5: 22)

Let women abandon their “women’s rights” views and start submitting to the bible’s teachings.

There is no equality between the genders in the Bible, where it is clearly stated that:

Woman was made for man. Not vice-versa

 (1Corinthians 11: 9) :

A wife must submit herself to her husband just as she submits herself to Christ! (Ephesians 5: 22)

A couple must not separate, and a divorced woman is not allowed to marry again!  (1 Corinthians 7: 10- 11),  (Matthew 5: 32).


Those are the rules that the Bible gives.  

God hates divorce!   (Malachi 2: 16)     

Unfortunately believers and even today’s church leaders have accepted the rules of this world (which are inspired by the ruler of this world, and are diametrically opposite to God’s Word).

Today, everyone can divorce and tear down the family units that God has made of them…for the slightest reason. And everyone can re-marry…

What a Godless society we have created by not clinging to God’s Words, by allowing divorce and disallowing polygamy!

God hates divorce!   (Malachi 2: 15-17)

Let us cling to the Truth of the Bible. That will be best for us!

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