
The right way to worship God

Worshiping God is not done merely by waving to heaven singing hallelujah. 

No. The Bible says, that:

“Worshiping God is done by presenting your bodies to him -clean and holy- as any sacrifice should be offered.

Therefore,  change your ways and do not live  carnal lives, as the people of this world do, but strive to become holy, the way God demands of you.

 (Romans 12: 1, 2)

Do not be deceived: None of those who indulge in sexual sins, who commit adulteries, fornications,  who practically prostitute themselves or practice homosexuality will be allowed to enter into God’s kingdom.

That is written in (1 Corinthians 6: 10) 

God wants his children to stand out as being holy, good and clean living, worthy of being called his people, his servants.

But, the world being nowadays full of temptations, it makes it very difficult for us to be holy. 

“The spirit is willing, but the body is weak…” Jesus said, and in order to succeed, we need to stay well away from temptations.

And yet, it amazes me to notice that teenagers today, even those who profess to follow Jesus Christ, start building close relationships with the opposite sex well before they even reach my age.

And I am only 17 years old now!

Don’t they realize that in this way they are bound to fall into sin, sooner or later, dishonoring themselves, grieving their Lord, and put into danger their eternal destiny…

Christians have certainly not learned to hate this sin which  destroys homes and lives and relationships, in exchange for some moments of pleasure that are sweet at first, but have bitter consequences!

Let us teenagers refrain from building “innocent” close relationships with the opposite sex. We throw ourselves into temptation rather than keeping away from temptations, as the Lord told us to pray.


My father tells me that he, himself, was enslaved by this sin  until, when at the age of 23, he was born-again.

He knew then, that this had to stop his womanizing there and then. In order not to slide back into his old ways he had, to avoid being around women since they were his great weakness…

 So, he became unsocial, and avoided the ladies at all cost.

And he succeeded!

But, he had to live like a monk, a very lonely and unhappy life for many years…   

He eventually got married, twice, but his wives left him, and he has now lived without a wife for 16 years and he still suffers immensely because of it!

But that was the price he had to pay in order to prove, to God and to himself that he truly means business in following Jesus Christ. 

By being very hard with himself and not socializing much, my father managed, in spite of his strong needs, to never have any sexual relationships with anyone else, (except the wives he married, of course). He is now nearly 74 years old!

Like him, let us do whatever needs to be done so as not to fall into sin, whatever our personal weakness may be.

 Let us stay well away from whatever tempts us, at any cost!

And let all young people understand that flirting is not God’s way to find a spouse.

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