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The Purpose of our Earthly life

The purpose of our earthly life,                  

Do you know that there are some people, today, who do not believe that the earth is a sphere? And this in spite all the evidence to the contrary, including photos of our planet from space… 

And there are also many people today who do not believe that there is a God, a Creator, regardless of all the evidence there is around us. 

In spite of all the unbelievably complicated design that can be seen in everything that exists, they reject the idea of an intelligent, Sublime mind, a Creator! 

But, there are also some of us, who are honest enough with ourselves to recognize that there is a super intelligent Creator, who has created all there is for a good purpose.

(John 12: 45  ,  14: 9  ,  Colossians 2: 9)

And we need to know what that purpose is, in order to know how to live our life on earth! But first, we must determine who that the True God is! ( since mankind has invented many false God’s, many false religions..,

 Is it possible to know which is the true religion, the True God? Yes, it definitely is!

 Briefly: Only one religion can prove in an intelligent, logical, critical way that its founder truly came from God: The Judeo/Christian religion.

 For the sake of conciseness, I will quickly bypass Abraham, Moses, and the prophets of the Old Testament and come straight to Jesus of Nazareth:

His apostles, (whose 2.000 years old writings  have been meticulously kept unchanged until today), claimed that they saw Jesus resurrected after his crucifixion and watched him- with their own eyes- ascend in the sky! (Luke 24: 51)

 If true, that would be the ultimate proof that Jesus truly came from God and knew what he was talking about, wouldn’t it?

 If, on the other hand, what the apostles wrote in the New Testament was a lie, (a lie that they themselves had created), they would definitely not have given their lives, all of them, for spreading such impossible, crazy claims. But history unequivocally testifies that the apostles did die, (after a long life of dreadful persecutions) a martyr’s death, each one of them.

Can we logically explain that twelve men were willing to suffer much persecution and give their lives for a lie that they had invented? No, that is for sure. Not if we are sincere with ourselves.

We therefore conclude that the writers of the New Testament truly saw Jesus resurrected, and that what he had told them was the Truth, the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth.  His resurrection proved it to them and their self-sacrificial lives, to us. (Acts 4: 29)

So, we can be assured that the God of the Bible is real.

We need to know, now,  what is, according to the Bible, the purpose of our existence on this planet!

Well, it transpires from God’s Word that our Creator spends much of his time observing each one of us:

 He made us, he says, much like himself, eternal beings, free to choose what kind of a person we want to be, and he needs to know where he should place each one of us for eternity…

 In his written Word, he says that he will assign a place near himself to anyone who seeks him and lives a selfless life, does what is good, just and loving in his eyes, and who submits to his Son, Jesus, above all. They will be his friends, his children, for ever…  (Psalm 53: 2  ;   John 4: 23  ;   Chronicles 16: 9)

In order to determine who is what, God puts us all through a variety of tests, of experiences, while on this earth, and watches out to see:

Will we seek in all circumstances, to please Him? (Matthew 6: 33.  ;  Luke 12: 29 – 34   )

Will we be loving to others and do to them as we wished they would have done to us, (if we were in their shoes), or will we live self-centered lives! (Luke 6: 31.  ;   Galatians 5: 14. ;  Leviticus 19: 18)

 And, most importantly, he watches to see if we will recognize and love his Only Son, Jesus Christ, for whose sake we actually were created! Will we love him, whole heartedly? Will we obey his commandments and stay faithful to him no matter how hard it may be?  (Matthew 7: 21  ;   Matthew 24: 13   ;   Matthew 10: 22)

 Depending on how well we pass these tests, our Creator will assign to each one of us, a place in eternity where we deserve to be, where we will fit in best… (2 Timothy 2: 20 – 21)

 We, humans, do likewise, don’t we?

 Animal lovers, for instance, do not want to have a disobedient, dangerous, unpleasant or dirty dog to live in their home, do they? No!

So, they observe the behaviour of every dog, and choose one that is affectionate, good natured, obedient, and clean so that it can live in its master’s house and lay at his feet… Other dogs, with less praiseworthy qualities, their masters will put them in the garden, or in the fields to look after the sheep… They love them all, but each dog is placed where it suits it best, depending on its character, the nature it has proven to have. (2 Timothy 2:20-21).

 As for the vicious and rebellious dogs, their masters will have them chained and caged, far away from themselves, so that they may scare away unwanted intruders…

 Well… God will do likewise:

 He will choose his faithful followers, (those who have sought to please him on this Godless earth), to live near himself, (in his Holy City, the New Jerusalem), forever.

He will have them washed clean of the guilt of their sins by the blood of Jesus, and they will enjoy the best there is in God’s Kingdom. (John 14: 2  ;   Revelation 21: 27  ;   Isaiah 65: 18)

 Others, (such as those who did good to God’s children in need, but did not belong to Jesus), will be “guests” on that new earth. They will live outside the city of God long and happy lives, lives as long as those of the trees, but sooner or later… they will die !  (Matthew 22: 2-14    ;   Matthew25: 31- 40   ;   Isaiah 65: 17-25)

 And some, (actually most), will be thrown outside of God’s heavenly kingdom altogether… in hell, for being wicked, rebellious and unrepentant, and most of all, for rejecting his very Son, who gave his life for them to be spared from going to such a terrible place. (Matthew 22: 2-14  ;   Revelation 20: 12-15  ;    21: 8.   ;    Isaiah 66: 4,  24)

 I, for one, want to live my eternal life as closely as possible to Jesus, for whom I know I was created. For that is where the wonderful God that I love will be!

That is also where the best people, the best living conditions, the best shows and all the excitement will be found, in God’s presence.

 Therefore, now, in this life, I do not seek so much to enjoy it, to live as happily as I can, but rather I strive to be as faithful as I should be to my loving God, who may put me through many tests, many disappointments and failures, who allows me to go through many deep sorrows and dark tunnels of despair. But, through all these sorrowful experiences, he transforms me into the kind of person he wants me to be, while also bestowing on me many unexpected blessings and some happiness…

Through all these experiences God gives us the opportunity to prove ourselves and improve our soul by letting it grow in faith, in holiness, in humility, kindness and faithfulness, all those qualities that he wants to develop in us. (Hebrews 12: 3 – 11)

 And one day… we will receive what we aspire for, and deserve. For it is written in the Bible:

 “God will judge everyone according to what they have done:

To those who, with persistence, kept on doing what is good and sought to receive honour, glory and immortality from God, he will give them, in the eternal life, what they have been seeking for.

But God’s anger and wrath will be poured out on those who choose to please themselves, and refuse to obey the Truth, but live instead lives of wickedness…”  (Romans 2: 6-8)


Where will God will be placing you for eternity?

 Won’t you try harder to please him, so as to, one day, live eternally in happiness, in his presence?




For those who want to know more:


 A Glimpse of the life to come

After Judgement Day, and the destruction by fire of our universe, God will create a New Heaven and a New Earth.

He will then lower down from heaven a readymade city that he had built in advance, (the New Jerusalem), and place it on a mountain, his Holy Mountain, upon that New Earth. (2 Peter 3: 7 & 10.    ;    Revelation 21: 1,  10 – 11  )

God himself, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, will live there, together with all those who love and obey him. In his presence, love, happiness, goodness and beauty will be paramount… (Revelation 21: 3, 22   ;    22: 3 – 4   ;   Zechariah 2: 11)

 God will choose those with whom he is most pleased to become his closest friends: Noah, Abraham, Joseph, Moses, Daniel, David, the apostles and the likes of them… (I strive to be included in that number)

They will live near God’s house, sit with Jesus around his dining table and will help him rule and judge the universe. So the Bible says.  (Luke 22: 30  ,   John14: 2-3 )

 God will choose other of his faithful followers, who have lived less outstanding lives but whose names are written in the “Book of Life” and have been “washed by the blood of Jesus», to also live in the New Jerusalem, in dwellings that he has prepared for them for whenever they visit the City of God! (John 14: 2  ;   Revelation 21: 27  ;   Isaiah 65: 18)

 Their permanent home, however, will be in the countryside, on God’s Holy Mountain, where they will build farmhouses and will live peacefully and happily on them, forever and ever! (Isaiah 65: 21-24)

The Bible does not give much information about everything we would like to know, but, through the parable of “the Son’s Wedding” in Matthew 22: 2-14, we gather that in the Kingdom of God there will be: Citizens, (the “bride” of Christ) , and Non-Citizens, (the “guests”…)  (Matthew 22: 2-14)

 Those guests will be spread out on the rest of the surface of the New Earth that will be created, living in different nations, much like it is done here on earth. (Revelation 21: 24)

 The citizens, God’s children, will live on God’s Holy Mountain and will never suffer long or die. (Revelation 21: 1-4.   ;   Isaiah 11: 9 )

 The guests, however, will live among the nations; things there will be much as it is on our earth: people will work, have families, and when they sin, they will  suffer long for it. They will live as long as the trees do, but sooner or later they will die!  (Isaiah 65: 17-25)

 Animals will live on the New Earth also, wild and domestic animals alike, for they too have souls that will be judged by God. Each will be assigned where they will live.Those animals whom God approves, he will renew them, just like us, and they will live happy and harmless lives on God’s mountain. All animals there will be vegetarians, lions and bears included…  (Genesis 9: 5  ;  Isaiah 65: 25 )

 Some of today’s “spiritual leaders” (that are followed, loved and admired by all here on earth), will be among the least important in heaven, whereas some of the most unappreciated individuals in this life will be among the greatest ones there… (Luke 13: 30)     Will I be one of them?

 And some people, actually many…, will be thrown outside of God’s heavenly kingdom altogether… in hell, for remaining unrepentant, wicked and rebellious, and most of all, for rejecting his very Son, who gave his life for us all to be saved, to be spared from going to such a terrible place.  (Revelation 20: 12-15  ;    21: 8.   ;    Isaiah 66: 4,  24)

 God will apparently enclose the souls of those condemned to hell into the body of worm-like creatures that will live in a deep valley on fire outside the New Jerusalem,  They will be a warning to all passersby… (I suppose they will be put into good use, eating all the rubbish that is thrown in it). (Isaiah 66: 24.  ;  Matthew 25: 41  ;   Revelation 20: 10 )

 As I have already mentioned, the purpose of God placing us here on our earth is for us to pass through a set of tests that will determine where we must spend eternity… (Revelation 20: 11 – 13)

 Let us make sure that we do not end up spending eternity in the wrong place.

The picture that I have described in this presentation is the one that I have reached by gathering all of the Bible’s “jig-saw” pieces on the subject together…

Others may see things differently.

 What matters, in the end of the day, is that each of us strives to enter God’s Kingdom where we will live eternally happy.

       Constantin Economides





Jesus: Son of God or deceiver

   Was Jesus Christ really he who he claimed to be?

Whether one believes in Jesus or not, everyone should admit that he was an exceptional, outstandingly good person:

He taught everyone to love God, to love his fellow man and the Truth.

No one can find anything bad to say about him!

But Jesus claimed that he was not a mere man…

He said that, unlike us, he came down from heaven to earth in order to save all those who believe and follow him!

He insisted that only those who believe and follow Jesus himself will be allowed to enter the Kingdom of God.

And on top of it all, he claimed to be the “Only Son of God”, or God in the flesh, an essential part of God himself!

Outrageous claims!

If what Jesus said about himself was not true, then he could not be an exceptionally good man, but rather, a deluded lunatic, a megalomaniac and a deceiver of the worst kind!

His life however, does not depict to us such a vile person. On the contrary. The things that he said and did speak loudly of someone who is very moral, righteous, good, humble and sincere, someone who spent himself for the good of mankind…

He is considered by most to be the best person that ever lived.

In his short life Jesus had more impact on mankind than all other philosophers, prophets and political rulers combined. He changed this world not by means of wars and conquests, but only by the power of his words and example!

He has inspired millions of people throughout history to change radically the way they lived and to seek to become more like him!

He has left his mark on this world to such a degree that we count the years we live in from the year of his birth, thus acknowledging that Jesus was the most important person that ever existed…

Jesus was the best person that ever lived on earth, not the worst, and

it is inconceivable to think that he, who was morally well above all of us, was a deceiver – and one of the worst kind!

Anyone with a clean, innocent, childlike mind would be convinced without the need of further proof that whatever Jesus said must be the Truth! It could not be otherwise.

What really made me, personally, believe in him is when I told myself:

“I am not a good man, but bad as I am, I hate lying and deceiving people. I would never deceive anyone.

If Jesus, who was much, much better than I am, said such things as he did about God, about himself, about heaven and hell, then it must be true!”

This argument, by itself, should convince any sincere and honest thinking person that Jesus must have been he who he claimed to be!

But there are other unshakable arguments that can convince anyone who seeks the Truth:

The ultimate proof:

Apart from the many, amazing miracles that Jesus performed in front of his disciples, Jesus told them that he would give them another, irrefutable proof that will leave them without any shred of doubt that he was truly he who he claimed to be. He told them:

“Men will take hold of me and kill me, but three days later… I will come back from the dead, alive!”

How did he even dare to pronounce such words!

There is no prophecy, no proof, more pertinent or more impossible to fulfill than this one!

But one thing is for sure: If this prophecy was to be fulfilled, it would indeed prove to the apostles without a shred of doubt that he truly came from God, and that everything he had told them was the Truth!

And sure enough, the apostles wrote that things happened exactly as he had predicted: three days after his crucifixion they saw him indeed alive with their own disbelieving eyes… !

No, it cannot be attributed to delusions: They wrote that, after his death, Jesus appeared to them a number of times! He allowed them to touch him, (one actually put his fingers into his wounds).

He ate with them, walked with them, taught them…

And one day, when he was surrounded by more than 500 of his disciples, he rose slowly, slowly into the sky, right before their eyes…

From that time onward, the apostles started spreading the news to everyone, by word or letter, that Jesus was the Christ, (the long-awaited Messiah), the Only Son of God and the Only Saviour of mankind.

They didn’t merely believe it. They were absolutely sure of it !

In order to silence such claims, the Jewish religious authorities imprisoned the apostles, beat them up and warned them that they will be killed if they kept on spreading stories about Jesus having resurrected…

The apostles, for their part, did nothing else but that, evangelizing everyone, all the time and everywhere…

And, true to their threats, the Jewish authorities started killing anyone of them they could lay their hands on… In time, all the apostles were killed, one by one, by the Jewish or Roman authorities.

The apostles knew very well what they were in for: persecutions, beatings, imprisonment and death!

But they also knew what their duty was, having been eyewitnesses of everything that Jesus said and did and most of all of his resurrection. So, they kept on spreading the news everywhere, no matter what it cost them…

The unshakable argument:

How can you explain the willingness, the persistence of the apostles to fulfil their painful mission when they knew that they would have to face as much persecution as their Lord did if it is not for the fact that they truly saw Jesus resurrected?

A person could suffer much and give his life for something he believes in, (believes it to be true, even though he may actually be mistaken) !

No one, however, will ever give his life for something he knows it to be a lie. (In the apostles case, it would have been a lie that first came out of their own mouths, and which gave them nothing but trouble in this life…).

If they were lying for one reason or another, if they had not seen Jesus resurrected, they would have not (all of them, without exception) gone through the awful existence and death that they describe in their own letters, and that history confirms.

The fact that all the apostles, without exception, chose to persevere evangelizing in spite of the tremendous enmity and adversity they were receiving, proves beyond a doubt to us, today, that they were telling the Truth: They saw Jesus resurrected from the dead!

Having paid such a price for telling their story, the apostles would have certainly passed the scrutiny test of a “reliable and trustworthy   eyewitness” in any Court of Justice today…

The written testimony of these eyewitnesses proves to us, today, that Jesus has resurrected, and that everything that he said is true:

There is a God, there is a life after this one, a heaven and hell…

Dear reader, having read the above, logical, down to earth arguments, you should now be shaken, convinced and convicted by them.

You are now standing in front of the most important crossroad that you will meet in your life! You must now choose the correct road to walk on.

Do not let these arguments that you have just read slip out of your mind until you have reached a definite conclusion and acted upon it. Do not let anything else distract you!

Do not harden your heart because today’s “Christians” may have put you off « religion »! You are not urged to become “religious”! You are to become like Jesus and follow his teachings!

You will have to change radically your way of thinking and living, if you want to live eternally happy after your death,

Jesus taught us that God is a Just God, and his justice demands that your sins be not simply “wiped out” and “forgiven”!

They must be punished, paid for.

And either you will pay yourself for your Godless way of living or you will join those whom Jesus died for… and be exempted!

What must you do?

Start by praying and asking the Lord Jesus to enter in your life and heart, allowing him to change you from within.

Cooperate with him and change what needs to be changed in your life.

What God requires of you is written in the New Testament.

It is God’s Word! It is the most precious thing humanity possesses!  Read it every day and do what it teaches.

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Working out our Salvation

Working Out” our Salvation !
So many Christians, today, hold that they are most definitely “saved” because they declare themselves “born-again” even though they follow Jesus instructions and example somewhat imperfectly…
Since Jesus died for their sins, they are convinced that they will not have to suffer punishment for the sins that they now commit…
Are they right?
Consider now the following passages that should make you less certain of “once saved, always saved” !
(I have translated the passages bellow directly from the Greek text for accuracy, and paraphrased them for clarity. Read them for yourselves in your Bible…)
“All of us sin, and do not have the right to enter in God’s glorious Kingdom. But we can receive that right freely  by faith, thanks to the salvation that is available in Jesus Christ.
God made him the means by which we can  receive God’s pardon and mercy. Because we trust in Jesus’ blood we are covered by his righteousness and we have our previous, past sins overlooked… “        (Romans 3: 23 – 25)
Notice: Our previous sins only are overlooked, forgiven: those we committed before being “born again”. The sins that we commit after having decided to follow Jesus Christ will be punished on Judgement Day, some with leniency, some severely! The next passages make this clear:
“If we sin willingly after having known the Truth of the Gospel, there will be no atonement of sin for the believer,  (no making amends in order to get some leniency for the punishment that we deserve).
Such a person can only expect to be severely punished with those who act against God, punished even more severely than they will, because he, as a believer, has trampled on the Son of God by sinning willingly. He treated with contempt Jesus’ blood that was shed for the very purpose of making him holy and keeping him holy.
He has blasphemed God’s Spirit of Grace! It will be terrible for him on judgement day. For God himself says: I will make such a  believer pay dearly for such a behaviour”.      (Hebrews 10: 26~ 31)
God’s servant who knows what is the Lord’s will and does not do it, will be beaten much on Judgement Day, whereas the servant who did not realize he was sinning will be beaten less…      (Luke 12: 47~48)
Any injustice done to someone is a sin. There are however sins that are not serious enough to lead to death (to hell), and there are sins that do lead to death.     (1 John 5: 17)
“Do not think that you will be saved just because you “believe” in God! No way! Unless you work out your faith by doing good to others, being holy and obeying God’s Words, you will not be saved from your sins. Such a faith is worth nothing.”     (James 2: 14~ 26)
Work out your salvation with fear, be terrified of sinning and finding yourself under God’s wrath!”     (Philippians 2: 12)
Living a holy life after being “born-again” is a pre requisite for our salvation! But it is not the only one: God demands more from us in order to enter his Heavenly Kingdom:
Like: Removing all temptations that can cause you to sin:
“If anything causes you to want to sin, remove it  mercilessly from your life, or you may fall into sin when tempted and you risk ending up in the fire of Hell!
So, be hard with yourself and do whatever must be done in order to keep away temptations from your life.”       (Matthew 18: 6~ 9)
Like: Begging for forgiveness and making amends so as to be truly forgiven by those you have hurt (serving them in some way, for instance) And  you, yourself must forgive those who do likewise to you:
“On judgement day,  men will demand justice to be done for whatever wrong you have done to them.
You will then have to suffer much for whatever wrong you did to them before you are allowed to enter the Kingdom of God!
Two things can save you from such fate:
1.Hurry back to the persons that you have hurt in life, and beg for their sincere forgiveness, making amends for the wrong that you have done to them until they really forgive you from their heart.
Words such as: “I forgive you” are not enough! They are often spoken insincerely. On Judgement day, however, their heart will speak differently…
2.Show mercy to those who have hurt you and forgive them from your heart when they beg you for mercy and make acts of repentance. Only then will God show you some mercy also….  “(Matthew 18: 21~35)
Like: Developing a “child like” attitude and character:
“If you do not allow your spirit to go  back and become what it was when you were a child, you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven !”       (Matthew 18: 3)
Are you still so confident that you are saved because you have “invited Jesus into your heart”?
And do you still hold that you will not be punished for your sins before entering God’s Kingdom?
Let us all not only “respect” God, (as “fear” is often translated  and understood today), but let us actually fear God with trembling, as it is written in the Bible. 


The Tree of Knowledge of Good & Bad

The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Bad
In the first pages of the Bible in (Genesis 2: 8~16) it is written:
God made man out of the dust of the earth, breathed in him the breath of life and he became a living being.
And Yahweh planted in  the garden of Eden two trees:
     The Tree of Life, which man could eat of its fruit if he wanted to live forever the kind of life he was living…
     The Tree of Knowing what is Good and Evil, which God forbid him to eat it’s fruit under the penalty of death ! (that is, living exiled, outside of God’s loving presence and care).
We know what happened, since mankind lives now mostly an  unpleasant and difficult existence…So, the question arises:
Why did God give to our ancestors, Adam and Eve, the possibility of choosing something that would bring such disastrous consequences upon them and their descendants?
Allow me to explain to you what I have come to understand  after reading, studying the Bible exhaustively for five decades. I will write with all the  simplicity of a child, as God will have me do:
Even though the Creator is surrounded by myriads of servants, angels  and other beings, he still wanted to have around himself some creatures that will be very much like himself, so that they may become his closest companions, his best friends.
Actually, he wanted them to be more than friends: He wanted them to be as close to himself as a wife is for her husband! There is no closer to that!
(I will have to drag you a bit into my personal life in order to illustrate better my explanation!):
I am without a wife, and I suffer terribly because of it. I have a daughter, who lives with me, and is the best daughter anyone could have, a wonderful companion and a true blessing to me! But, I am not satisfied: I want, I need to have a good wife, (even many such good wives, if I am to be honest…)
Now, if God was to appear to me, one day, and offer me to make me such a girl as I want her to be, beautiful, with golden hair, blue eyes, fair skin etc., a wife that will never leave me, disobey me or hurt my feelings (as my previous two wives did)… if he was to make one such dream-girl to measure for me, (so to speak), I would jump out of joy, and be very happy… for a while.
Yes, only for a while! Because, after a while I would realize that this beautiful girl in the flesh is just a…robot. She has been programmed to be as she is, and this takes away from her much of what I truly want from a wife!
In reality, what I want is to have a wife that can leave me, can disobey me and hurt me, and be unwilling to love me wholeheartedly etc., but who choses not to do all these things because she appreciates me and loves me!
I do not want a robot made out of flesh, but a person like myself who can choose for herself, and does me the honour of choosing to love me, to make me happy in whatever way she can, because she knows that, she, herself, will only be happy when she is near me and receives back my love and care that I have for her.
That is the kind of wife I want, and that is the kind of companions our Creator wanted to create!
In order to achieve that, he placed the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil right in front of their eyes, thus making them free: Free to happily keep on being close to him by not eating of its fruit, or free and able to disobey him and break that relationship with their Creator and God.
Adam and Eve chose the later option, and we all bear the consequences of their action.
It was all part of God’s plan! His specialty is to turn a negative to a positive, a failure into a success, a weakness into strength.
After the “fall”, when men choose to live just as they wanted to, God started observing each one of us carefully!
He is searching for those of us who would seek him out of their own initiative and free will, who would search for him and want to please him.
Whenever he finds such a rarity, he reveals his nature to them, so that they may  love him exceedingly, more than they would love themselves, their family or their life, for no one is as good, righteous, loving, giving and worthy of being adored than the Only true God and his Son, Jesus Christ who revealed him to us…
Then, God tests each one of them in order to determine how much each one truly loves him, how much he (or she) is willing to deprive himself / herself of pleasures for him, and how much they are willing to actually suffer in order to please him. He needs to know how faithful they will be to him, how good their heart truly is, and much more.
And one day, he will choose the best of them to become his closest and most honoured companions in his Heavenly Kingdom, for ever.
Others, (depending on the love, trust, faithfulness and submission they had shown  for him while on earth), he will choose them to live happily closer or a bit further away from him, in his Holy City.
Everyone will get as much honour and happiness and blessings as he or she deserves!
As for those humans who refused to repent of their rebellious and evil attitude towards him, (those who rejected his only Son Jesus Christ who went as far as dying on the cross in order to redeem them and restore them into God’s presence and loving care), God will reject them in return.
He will and make them pay eternally in Hell, according to the evil and self-centeredness they demonstrated on earth, each suffering to the degree that he or she deserves.
We are being watched, carefully observed! We were given a free will so that some of us will freely chose to please God.
Let us repent and forsake  our self-centered lives, and let us be God-centered, living with fear, obeying, loving and appreciating our Creator and God.

The Eye of the Needle

   The Eye of the Needle!

In Jesus’ times, all the big cities were surrounded by big walls that protected them. To enter a city, someone had to go through the city’s gates, those heavy and sturdy doors that were to be closed in times of danger.

In Jerusalem those doors were closed every Friday evening to stop people from bringing in goods in order to trade on Saturday, God’s appointed day of rest.

Within the main gate of Jerusalem there was a small door cut out of it that offered access to the city to any late traveler. In relation to the big gate, this little opening looked like the eye of a needle, and that is how it was called.

When the late travelers would arrive in Jerusalem on Friday evening, they would find the main gates closed and locked, but they would still be able to enter the city through the “eye of the needle”.

Their loaded donkeys, however, or their camels would not fit through it, and they would have to be unloaded, made to kneel if too tall for the door, and made to crawl through the eye of the needle! 

Jesus used this common and bothersome procedure as an example and said:

It is difficult for someone rich to enter the kingdom of heaven. It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God!”     (Matthew 19: 23-24)

“For the gate that leads to Eternal Life is narrow (just like the eye of the needle) and the road that leads to life is full of sorrows… Few are those who will keep on walking on it to the end.”  (Matthew 7: 14)                                

And while on the subject, Jesus also said: 

“If you are not willing to give up all your wealth and belongings you cannot be my disciple!”     (Luke 14: 33)

“The Son of Man (Jesus himself) will one day appear on earth, in all his glory, and he will say: You all saw me being hungry and thirsty when I was on earth. You saw me being in need of clothes, in need of help, of protection and love!

Some of you did help me out: you fed me, clothed me, and cared for me. Come now and enter in my heavenly Kingdom.

But the rest of you, you who saw me in need and  did nothing about it, you will not escape from being thrown into the eternal fire of Hell that has been prepared for the Devil and his followers!

Because, what you did not do to one of the least important of my followers, you effectively  did not do it to me personally!”  (Matthew 25 : 31-46)

“Do not be afraid, you, the little flock that follows me. Do everything I am telling you to do: Sell whatever is not absolutely necessary in your belongings and give the money to those who badly need it.”  (Luke 12: 32-33)

“And do not be too concerned as to how you will manage to survive in this life, like the people of the world do. God your Father knows what you need in order to live! So, trust him and seek above all to receive entrance into God’s Kingdom, and to live this life with righteousness and, all these things that are so necessary for your earthly life will also be given to you.”  (Luke 12 : 29-31)                            

“Stop worrying about how you will survive in the future… Just worry about today’s problems.”     (Matthew 6: 34)                                     

“Do not work hard in order to get rich here on earth, but rather work hard in order to get rich in Heaven. For where your treasure is, that is where your heart will lead you… ”    (Matthew 6: 19-21)                          

“Consider the birds of the sky: they don’t plant seeds, neither do they gather them or store them. They don’t worry about the future, and yet God feeds them everyday of their lives! How much more will he do that to you, oh you of little faith!”   ( Luke 12: 24)                       

“Watch out and guard yourselves from every kind of greed, because excessive possessions will become a stumbling block that will prevent you from entering the Eternal Life.”     (Luke 12: 15)                                 

“What good will it be to you if you actually manage to obtain and enjoy everything that you desire in this world, but, by doing so, you forfeit your eternal soul? Is there anything more important to you than your soul’s eternal happiness?”  (Mark 8: 36)                                

“You cannot try to achieve two opposing goals in life: You cannot seek to please God and simultaneously strive to get rich.

Either you will despise the riches of this world and set your mind at doing what pleases God, or you will despise God’s ways, and go after money.

So, prove to yourself and to God that you are truly  following me by using the money that you  earn in this unfair and unequal society to help others. If you do this, you will be allowed to enter heaven. And, those you have helped on earth will be your friends there…”  (Luke 16: 9-13)                            

“As for you sinners, you who pretend to be religious and righteous but who are full of greed and evil: Give your belongings to the poor and by doing this you will be healed from your folly and greed…”(Luke 11: 39)


Dear reader and fellow Christian,

As you can see, Jesus unmistakably expects us to help those who are in need. By not caring for his brothers and sisters in need, we are not caring about him personally.

And he takes it  personally…


 Constantin Economides



My Father’s Autobiography


                         (CONSTANTIN ECONOMIDES)

Why am I writing my biography?

I, Constantin, (son of Menelaos and Domia Economides), am a no-one…

I have achieved very little in my life that impressed others, nothing much that would cause them to hold me in high esteem!

In fact, it can be said that in the eyes of the world I am just a failure, a loser…

I believe, however that in God’s eyes I have distinguished myself for being a totally sincere person who is steadfastly zealous in putting God’s Words into practice in my life, meaning business in striving to please him in every way.

 I have followed his ways and instructions faithfully from the very first day that I decided to follow Jesus Christ (it was on a Sunday, 18th of June 1972), in spite of having gone through many difficult and testing times since then in my life.

Back then, in 1972, I was a young energetic man, 23 years old.

I had already been deeply hurt emotionally a number of times by the girls that I had loved.

I was very unhappy with what life had already offered me until then, and I was apprehensive of what it still had in store for me…

A few months before that memorable Sunday, I remember struggling with the thought of unleashing shamelessly the carnal side of me in the hope of finding, in wayward ways of living, some pleasure and satisfaction out of life, regardless of the hurt that I would cause to others!

I struggled with such thoughts, and I finally took a decision, a solemn decision:

“I choose to be a good person, even if that makes me unhappy.

I would rather be unhappy and good, than happy but evil!

And I meant it with all my heart.

I am convinced that God noticed me that day and made arrangements to draw me to himself for me to become one of his children!

I am also convinced that the devil took notice of my solemn decision as well, and just like he did with Job in the Bible, Satan challenged God to let him prove that I surely did not mean what I said and that I would certainly recant my decision after he had put me to the test.

And God accepted the challenge!

My biography is a record of this lifelong test that I had to go through and that will probably continue until my dying day:

I was first allowed to find happiness by receiving what I craved for most of all: a lovely wife and good children that made me feel truly blessed and thankful to my God in spite of all the difficulties that this life brings along.

Then, my family, my source of happiness, as well as everything that I had achieved until then, were removed from my life in a most hurtful way that made me feel terribly disappointed, unhappy and depressed!

If I were to find some happiness again, I would have to look for it in the forbidden, Godless realm that this world offers!

I did not, and the process was repeated so as to utterly crush my spirit.

It did not!

During the long, awful and depressing periods of utter unhappiness and strong temptations that I experienced I was very hard with myself so as to remain holy, faithful and pleasing to my God and Saviour, Jesus Christ! 

My fear of God and my love for him helped me to succeed in controlling my very strong passions and actually made out of me a better, more God-centred person.

I therefore believe that I can be an example and inspiration to my children (I have ten of them, all in all), for whom this testimony of mine was primarily written.

 I hope and pray that all those who will also read the story of my life will be encouraged  to cling to Jesus and accept suffering when it comes their way.

 Suffering is God’s way of testing his elected ones, of cleansing and strengthening them so as to enrich their soul with the qualities that he requires from them, qualities that will distinguish them and bring to them un-imaginable future heavenly blessings.

Where do I begin!

Where do I start to tell you the story of how I became the person I am, constantly fluctuating emotionally between great “highs and deep lows, and why my life became so filled with movement and restlessness and deep unhappiness?

I will have to start with an event that took place years before I was born:

My mother grew up in the island of Samos, in Greece, where she deeply and un-reservedly fell in love with a young man whom she very regrettably had to leave when, after the second world war, her family moved to central Africa. 

She never forgot him or stopped loving him!

That, I believe, was one of the reasons why I became such a restless person… 

You see, our Creator demands that a girl keeps herself physically and emotionally un-involved and pure until marriage. 

Disobeying God in this way brings very destructive consequences not only to the girl’s own life, but also to the lives of her future family, and in my case… to mine!

After my mother left Greece and emigrated to the ex-Belgian Congo (today the RDC), she was pressured by her family to marry my father, a Greek Cypriot, whom she did not love, herself being still deeply in love with her ex-boyfriend.

Soon after their marriage I was conceived, and although I have no memory of it, I know that in her womb I could sense and feel all the despair and unhappiness that she felt.

And it affected me… I found myself craving for love and physical tenderness, from the very day I was born up to today…

As a baby I was constantly crying, and my mother could not work out why!

 I know why: I wanted to be held, loved, cuddled, continually, all the time!

 I needed to feel her love for me, something that she did not do, as she, herself, was drowning in her own emotional disappointments.

As for me, this need…, this deep longing of my soul never left me

As a result, I became a very insecure, destructive and naughty child, with an immense need to be held and loved!

My father’s roots were from the island of Cyprus, but he was born in Alexandria, Egypt.

His father (that is my grandfather) had studied in a Greek Orthodox seminary in Jerusalem to become a priest, and then, unordained, he joined the large Greek community that had settled in Egypt.

It is only when, at the age of 60, my grandfather was given the lucrative opportunity to “pastor” the growing Greek community in the Belgian Congo, that he finally accepted the priesthood and moved there.

The second world war had just ended, and my father was discharged from the army and moved with his parents to the Congo. There, pressured by them, he married my mother.

Being an accountant, he first joined the Belgian copper mining company in Jadotville, our town, and he worked there for 10 long and unfulfilling years. 

With the money that he and my grandfather had saved, he finally bought a bakery and a soft drink factory.

My parents worked very hard (18 hours every single day), in order to outdo the strong competition that they faced and improve their business. They invested greatly, importing the best machinery from Germany, and made our bakery into the best and most profitable one in the region.

The soft-drink factory could not outdo the Coca Cola one, but survived.

Their work became their life!

In 1960, as they were just starting to reap the fruit of their hard labour, the country went through its independence from the Belgian colonials. 

From then on, the ex-Belgian Congo was engulfed in uprisings, lootings, violence and wars. 

All the Greek shop owners experienced extortions, repeated pillaging of their businesses, nationalizations, and evictions.

Two years after the nationalization of all businesses, the economy of the country dropped to rock bottom levels, and the Zaïrian government (as the Congo was then renamed) was forced by the World Bank to hand the destroyed businesses back to their owners.

These were difficult, unstable and insecure times!  My parents had to work again extra hard to restore our destroyed business to the state they were before nationalisation.

Understandably, they were far too busy and tired during those long, hard years to properly be looking after me.

Looking after my younger sister however was a totally different matter:

Three years younger than I was, Helly was a very cute little girl, the pride of our parents. She was not hyper-active and naughty as I was (she was only very self-centered), so rules and treatment for her were different.  

She was the apple of my parent’s eyes…

1.   As a young child

I was the black sheep of the family.

I was uncontrollable, exceedingly hyperactive and mischievous. (Just look at the way I stand out in this photograph of my Belgian kindergarten classmates!)

When I became eight years of age, I was daily running in the streets with some other naughty Greek boys of my neighborhood, smoking, messing around in a shameful way with little girls, breaking into already half vandalized shops and generally being very unruly, despite the frequent hidings I got from my father…

When one day, my father caught me smoking. He gave me such a good hiding outside our shop, in front of everyone, that it brought me back to my senses and I never smoked again.

Another time that I benefited from my father’s hidings was when, a couple of years later, I bullied a Belgian child at school and punched him on the face for no good reason (the Belgians were generally demeaning to all “foreigners”, us Greeks included, and I took my anger and frustration out on this poor boy).

That same afternoon, his father and him came to our shop and spoke to my father who immediately got hold of me and gave me another good, hard hiding right in front of them.

As a result, I stopped bullying and I never ever wrongfully hit another person again in my life.

Twice, years later, in my youth, men came to me looking for a fight… 

In both instances I avoided their first blow, grabbed hold of them, dropped them on the floor, with my knee on their chest and my hand raised, ready to hit them on their exposed faces but…I stopped at the last moment.

They deserved a beating, but I refused to give it to them! 

I was glad to see that, despite my short temper and my natural strength, I had a gentle heart: I hated violence.

I am sure that God noticed me these two times, as well, since he loves those who have a good heart and refrain from hurting others.

So, I am very thankful for these two hidings (among many others) that I received from my father. 

These two well-deserved hidings stopped me from immersing myself into more evil habits and behaviours. 

They had the desired effect on me, and I do not hold grudges against my father for all the other spankings he gave me.  

And there were many…

2.  A restless teenager

As I was reaching my “teens”, my father gave me an advice that I took to heart since it was obviously right for me.  

He said to me:

“Costa, whatever you enjoy, whatever your heart sets upon, you dive into it headfirst and without reservations.

So, take my advice:  Do not ever start anything that can “hook” you.  Things like smoking, gambling, drinking alcohol, etc. for if you do, these things will destroy you.”

I took his advice and kept well away from such things that could get a hold on me, everything that is except… loving the girls, a passion that truly enslaved me some years later…

But this advice I received when I was still thirteen years old, and though I was very attracted to the girls, I was too shy and complexed to approach them. 

So, I spent my time doing better things:   


At the Belgian, French-speaking school that I was attending I met Daniel Salvatore, whose father was pushing him to start doing athletics with two other boys in our high school. I joined him and was straight away hooked on sports.  

We were doing the decathlon, that is ten events: Long jump, high jump and pole-vaulting, throwing the discus, shotput and javelin, running 100m, 400m, and 1500m; and for lack of steeples, we replaced the steeplechase race with weightlifting.

Sports did me a lot of good, not only physically but also psychologically. I loved every moment of it.

That year was the best year of my youth. Every day we would train all afternoon until dusk. 

As a result, we both failed at school that year, and Daniel’s parents made him give up sports.   

I tried to keep on doing sports by myself, but I could not. I needed a friend to train with. Left by myself, I soon gave up…

About to become a mercenary 

That is when I got involved again with the wrong friends . I got hold of some guns (a WW2 rifle, a machine gun, a pistol and bullets) that I bought from the natives.

It was illegal,  of course, and I was afraid to use them,

except when pausing for some photos or hunting. We would have been in big trouble if we were caught, for then a rebellion was in process.

That is when, a Belgian friend of mine and I decided to secretly enroll in the Congolese army as mercenaries. We applied for the job, and were waiting for the army’s decision but our parents received the answer in the post since we had inadvertently given our home address!

The police was also tipped off that we were in the possession of army guns, and we were thrown in prison for three days. We were judged and I was condemned to two years of imprisonment, fortunately with a suspended sentence.

I was then 16 years old.


That same year all the belgian kids returned to Europe, since the Zaïrian government was about to nationalize the belgian copper mines.

A friend, who was leaving, gave me a guitar that he had made himself and that he was not going to take with him, and that is how my new passion started: Music.

I was not at all gifted, but having nothing else to do, I sat throughout the three months of school holidays, and played the guitar all day and every day.

When the belgian kids returned from Europe for the new school year (since the nationalization had been postponed) I could scratch my guitar well enough to start a band with some friends.

My guitar playing was mediocre, but I discovered that I had a good, strong voice and could perhaps impress the girls…

So, I kept on playing and singing throughout the years.

My moral versus my carnal mind

Music gave me something to do while trying to keep my mind off the many carnal thoughts I was tortured with:

I was longing for an opportunity to start having sexual relations with the girls (european girls, I mean, for I would not even consider approaching the local black girls that were then an easy but demeaning prey for us, europeans), however, I was having inner moral battles about it all:

I felt that it was wrong to have sex with anyone else except with my future wife: 

I knew that, if I was to start messing around before I met her, then I should not complain when I would find out that my future wife also had given in and started messing around sexually before marriage!

This, however, would have bothered me immensely!

So, in some timid way, I was trying to hang on to chastity for as long as possible. 

Love, deep love for my dream girl, my future wife, had always been waiting to burst out of my heart, and I was hoping that we would meet soon, while still very young, and… that she would be my first one, and I, her first and only one. 

From a very young age I could not wait for the day when I would meet my wife, a girl that would love me as much as I would love her, with all her heart!

If I had my way, I would have married at 13, so great was my need for love and… what goes with it.

I gave up waiting.

When however, at 18 she had still not appeared, and since I had by then left the Congo for Europe and later for South Africa, I gave up my ideals and gave in to my tremendous physical and emotional needs…

“Loving” the girls became my passion, my life, and I got hooked on it indeed. This passion truly made a slave out of me, an addict. 

I was ashamed to see how much it ruled my decisions, my actions, my life, but i was powerless and could not resist any given opportunity.

I was never very successful with the girls, I must say… I was too much in a hurry to get them to bed.

But in all my messing around I was still looking for the one that was meant to be my wife.

The girls that I was meeting however, were far from being the kind that I respected and wanted to marry…

3.  In South Africa

There was one girl that I met in Johannesburg who was less carnal than the others, Jeanette.

I fell in love with her.    

We got engaged and lived together in Cape Town for a year. Then, she left me…

I was very hurt and became very unhappy and disillusioned. It took me years to get over her…

I had lost all hope that I could ever find someone worth having, who would truly love me…

Life became empty, dreary, without meaning.

I considered the existence of God

That is when, one particular day when I was in Durban, South Africa, alone and in the dumps, I distinctly felt a heavy atmosphere around me (now I know it was an evil presence), and evil thoughts came into my mind:

“Become evil! Do not even give a thought if you hurt others; just use the ladies for your own pleasure, innocent girls, married women and all.  Fool them, rape them, do whatever is needed to satisfy yourself, regardless of the damage that you will cause…”

“And what if there is a God, judgement day, hell?”  I asked myself.

This was the very first time that I gave a thought about God!

 I had always left religion out of my thinking and out of my life! 

I struggled for a while with these two “voices” in my mind.

Within me a real battle had flared up, a battle between good and evil… 

Finally, I told myself with resolve:

“I do not know if there is a God, judgement day or hell, and I don’t think I will ever know for sure. But one thing I do know: 

I would rather be good, even if unhappy, than evil and happy!

And I repeated my resolve in a loud voice, with all the determination there was in me:

“I choose to be good even if it leaves me unhappy…  rather than to be evil and happy!”

God noticed me 

I am sure that God noticed me again that day and decided to draw me unto himself and make me one of his children: 

A few days or weeks later an elderly couple stopped their car to give me a lift.

“You are Greek!” Mrs Broekman exclaimed. “There is a Greek young man who comes to our church. Would you like to meet him?”

“Very much so”, I replied, being always pleased to meet people of my nationality.

That Greek only came months later, reluctantly, just so that Mrs Broekman would stop bothering him.

But Mrs Broekman had not given up, and sent me another Greek of my age, Argiri, who visited me in the home that I was sharing then with four wild Mauritian friends of mine.

He told me that he was studying to become a preacher, and we started discussing about God.

Challenged by the Bible

Although I knew nothing about God, I disagreed with just about everything Argiri was telling me.

When I had asked him my…100th question and was ready to argue with him again, Argiri said to me:

“I see that you don’t accept my words; and why should you, as I am just a man like yourself. It would be my words against yours…

So, I will not answer your question myself. I will just show you what God himself says about what you asked!

He then fetched his Bible from his car. It was the first time that I ever saw a Bible!

He opened it and made me read a passage. I read it and did not understand a word.

So I asked another question. Again, Argiri searched in the Bible for the answer and made me read it.  Again, I did not understand a word… 

But one thing I understood, then and there, very clearly:

I may think that my opinion is right when speaking with a man, but I cannot argue with God (if he exists that is, and if this Bible is his Word!). 

If this book truly contains God’s Words which say something different from what I think, then He certainly is right, and I am wrong!

I suddenly became conscious that I had to know more about it all: I absolutely had to find out if God existed or not!

If He did, how could I possibly go on living my life on earth without first finding out how I am supposed to live it?

But I thought: Can anyone ever be certain that there is a God?

One cannot see him, hear him, smell him, touch him.

Someone, I told myself, can only blindly believe that he exists! And blind faith is not my cup of tea…

Still, during the next few weeks that followed I refused to let these thoughts about God’s existence slip out of my mind. Instead, I encouraged them, causing many pertinent questions to prick and torture my mind 

I needed to come to a conclusion! For if God exists, then it was my duty to submit to him, to live the way he orders me, to follow him and please him. 

I searched in my mind for proofs, desperate to find the truth about these most important issues that I had avoided facing until then. 

And then, despite of all my ignorance on the subject, I found the answer within my soul, my mind and my heart. I told myself:

“Jesus certainly lived and taught on earth. History testifies to this. 

 He was the very best man that ever lived on earth.

Of that, I have no doubt: No one could find any fault in him! Even those who hate religion speak well of him: Indeed, even the communists, who are atheists, say that he was the first of their kind…

Now, even though I am far from being a good man myself (as Jesus was), still, bad as I am, I hate lying and deceiving.

I do not deceive anyone.

If Jesus (who I know is much better than I am), said that he came down from heaven, from God’s presence, and spoke about life after death, about heaven and hell… then it must be true!

He could not have been lying and deceiving mankind!

Otherwise, he was much worse of a man than I am, not a better one! 

And that I would not accept! I would never accept that Jesus was much worse a person than I am…”

So: Here was all the proof that I really needed to know in order to be fully convinced that there is a God, a life after death, a heaven and a hell:

Jesus spoke of all these, and I now knew that his words were the Truth!

I decided to follow Jesus

So, it is all true!


There is a God, heaven and hell… 

And now, what shall I do? What comes next?

I had no idea.

That is when the Greek young man that Mrs Broekman first told me about, Costa Criticos, finally phoned me and invited me to go with him on Sunday to the Baptist Church in Durban North, that he and his family were attending.

I went…

It was the first time that I had been in a Protestant church!  

After the service, the pastor, Reverent Anton Hoffman, invited me to have a cup of coffee in his home, and there he gave it to me:

Pastor: ~ You are a sinner!   

I smiled…

Pastor: ~ You are heading for hell!  

I stopped smiling…

Pastor: ~ Jesus accepted to bear the punishment that your sins deserve!  

I was all ears…

Pastor: ~ To benefit from his sacrifice, you must become his disciple, obey him in every way! Are you willing to make him the Lord of your life?                     

“But”, I replied, “I am not ready”.                                                   

Pastor: ~ You will never be more ready than you are today. You must simply take a decision. You must decide to follow him.  

So, are you willing to accept Jesus as you Lord, to rule your heart and life, that he may become your Saviour?

I hesitated…

Pastor: ~ Yes or no?…    

How could I ever say “No”!        “Yes”, I answered timidly.

The pastor asked me then to kneel and repeat after him a prayer of repentance, pledging obedience to Jesus. 

After riding my Honda 750cc from church back home, I said my own prayer, one that I meant with all my heart:

“Lord God, I know that you are real. 

I want to follow you, but that means… giving up the ladies!

To me, this is impossible: It is like trying to lift myself off the ground by pulling on my own hair! 

Can I tie myself against some mast like Odysseus did so as not to dive in for the pretty mermaids (in my case the ladies)…?!

I would do it, if I could, but what kind of a mast would that be?  (And I actually looked around to find one…)

(“Odysseus” is the protagonist in the “Iliad”, a Greek mythology book written 8th century BC.

In order to “hear” the beautiful mermaids singing on an island and not irresistibly head his boat on the rocks – like all other captains did before him, Odysseus ordered his sailors to tie him on the mast of his boat and then to block their ears with wax.

In this way, he could hear the sirens, and even though he struggled to jump in the sea and join them, he was restrained by the chains and lived…

His sailors were unaffected and did not sail the boat on the rocky island!)

I continued my prayer:

“But now that I know that you are real… perhaps you can do a miracle to help me.

I don’t know what! 

As for me, I will do what I know I must do: I will try hard, very hard not to approach the girls anymore, so as to please you. 

I will stay well away from them all… 

But how long will I be able to do so, Lord? 

Please do a miracle and deliver me from this bondage so I can follow you…


Three days later, while riding my motorbike, it dawned upon me that a miracle took place within me: I felt like a drunkard who was saying to himself:

“Three days now I have been staying away from bars and drinks… Normally, I would be shaking uncontrollably for my dose!

Now, however, I have not had a “drink” for three days, and I am not shaking. I am at peace. I can keep it up!


All I need do, from now on, is to keep away from those bars… (the ladies, in my case).”

I can now testify, 51 years later, that from that very day, Sunday 18th of June 1972, until today January 2024, I have not succumbed to the many temptations I have faced!

I have never had sex with anyone other than my two wives, even though I have lived all in all at least 15 years without a wife, utterly frustrated, very unhappy and depressed, fighting off the temptations that were now coming increasingly my way…

With God’s help, I did the “impossible”, since for me, this was impossible.

God had changed me from within:

Until then I had been totally ignoring him. From that day onward I wanted to live for him, to please and obey him above all!

I am eternally grateful for this change in heart that took place in me!

And I am eternally grateful to this elderly, white-haired lady, Mrs Broekman, who pushed everyone around so that I may be introduced to the Saviour of my soul…

Being “Born Again”

 Now, being “born again” I knew that I would have to live from then on, much like a monk, always avoiding temptation.

In order to live a pure, holy life I had to literally keep away from all women that I was attracted to, or the ones that were attracted to me.

I had to learn to truly hate this sin that empties me of my self-respect, and that destroys in a few minutes of pleasure so many hearts, marriages and lives. 

I had to learn to fear God! I had to prove it to him (and to myself) that I was truly a Christian, by being obedient and resisting this great weakness of mine.

How could he ever consider me to be a true child of his if, every now and then, I would indulge in this sin! For I knew that if I would allow myself to fall once, I would inevitably fall again and again…

I therefore avoided looking at the pretty girls at all costs:

When walking in the streets, I would keep my eyes looking at the ground right in front of my feet so as not to see their beautiful curves…

Watching TV, going to the movies or parties, etc. were likewise forbidden ground for me,  for the same reasons.  

 Being restrained and guided by God’s Word and Spirit to live in such an unsocial way was hard, very hard but necessary, if I wanted to have victory over this weakness of mine.

Studying the Bible 

As soon as I became a follower of Yeshua, (that is “Jesus”, in Hebrew) I bought myself a Bible and read it for hours every day. Actually, I never stopped studying it daily ever since…

I was thirsty, very thirsty to know everything about my newly found Lord and his teachings.

The basic teachings of the Bible were clear, easy to understand and difficult to put into practice, but many other passages were quite mysterious, confusing.  

I persevered reading the bible daily throughout the years, and after going through the whole bible once, twice, thrice…I started to understand it better.

Falling in love with God

One thing that I understood right from the beginning though, was how good God is, and how grateful I should be:

I discovered that he is what I always thought he would be: the very best person that there is.

Him being so incredibly good, righteous and praiseworthy, as Jesus, his Only Son revealed to us, made me fall in love with him. Yes, I don’t know how else to put it! I fell in love with God when I realized how good and forgiving he has been to our ungrateful mankind:

We men rebelled against him, and we just about destroyed all the plans that he had made for the universe that he had created.

To this day, our attitudes and actions are constantly offending him, insulting him to his face, us being totally disinterested in him, ungrateful and evil.

And yet, he did (and does) the impossible in order to bring us back to himself:

He even sent his only Son, Jesus Christ to the slaughter in order to be able to accept back those of us who repent of our rebellious and evil attitude towards himself!

 Our Heavenly Father chose to load the punishment that our sins deserved on his very beloved Son that he loves above all, so that his attribute of “being Just” be kept and honoured.

Having done this, he can now accept the repentant sinners without being accused of being unfair, unjust, or partial.

God’s divine attribute of being « Just » demanded that Jesus, our Creator, be punished in our stead.

Jesus, being himself an indivisible part of God, became a man, suffered, died and experienced the agony of going to the world of the dead, (Hades) for us.

Is there any greater example of love and self-sacrifice found in anyone else? 

God’s goodness and love for us demands from each one of us our eternal gratitude, our love and obedience!

Well, I gave him mine, and  from the day that I was “born again” my thoughts were constantly thinking of God and my heart was constantly talking to him!

4.    Back to the Congo

Now that I was a born-again child of God, I needed to share with my parents, my friends all the wonderful things I had discovered about God. 

So, I returned to Zaïre, (the Congo) and told everyone of what I now knew of God, and how Jesus had changed me from within!

I was taken aback that no one paid attention: Not my parents, not my friends…

Instead of being happy for me and follow my example, my parents were very upset that I became a believer in Jesus.

For them I had just changed my religion: in their eyes I left the Orthodox Church and became a Protestant! That is all!

Unable to convince my parents and friends, I channeled my zeal into spreading the Word of God to the local African population: 

I was given the opportunity once to speak to the inmates of the local prison. They all assembled in the main courtyard of the prison, some 300 or more of them, and I told them a modern parable that I knew would speak to their hearts:

“In the early 1900s, there lived in the USA two chinese brothers. 

The younger one became a member of a street gang. 

One night, during a fight, the young chinese drew a knife and killed his opponent!

Pursued by the police, he was seen entering the building in which he and his brother lived. His brother saw him indeed rush into their apartment with bloodstained clothes and a knife in his hand:

“Help me, save me, the police are coming…” the murderer shouted.

It did not take long for his older brother to understand what had happened, and seeing his brother in despair he had an idea:

“Get undressed, and exchange clothes with me.”

They did so, and when the police finally broke down the door, they found the older, innocent chinese brother with the knife in his hand and wearing the bloodstained clothes. They arrested him.

During the trial that followed, the innocent brother did not open his mouth in his defense, and was sentenced to death, a painful death on the electric chair!

The day before his execution he wrote the following letter to his kid brother:

“My brother, whom I love so much,

When you will receive this letter, I would be dead, executed for the murder that you have committed in the clothes that I now wear. 

There was no way for you to escape, and the only way there was for me to save you was to take your place.

I am doing this gladly because I love you. I love you very much.

 But me, sacrificing myself for you, would be worthless if you were to go on living the evil life you did until now. 

Now you are wearing my clothes! I want you to live in them the way I lived, otherwise my sacrifice for you would have been in vain, and you would be guilty of my death as well as that of the man you knifed!”

Upon receiving this letter, the younger brother went to the judge and showed it to him, asking them to execute him also. But the Law could not lay a hand on him since the sentence had already been carried out. Although guilty, he was free to live because his brother took upon himself the penalty that he deserved…

And I told my “captive” audience:

You and I are the younger brother, and Jesus is the one who took the punishments that our sins deserve upon himself. 

There was no way for God to “forgive” our sins, other than him sending his One and Only Son to earth so that He may suffer and die an awful death in our stead! 

All that needed to be done for God’s attribute of “Justice” to be satisfied and for his mercy to be able to be expressed, since God needs to be first of all “Just” before he can be “Forgiving”!

He did what had to be done, and now he urges us, urges you: 

If you want to benefit from my Son’s sacrifice you have to exchange the clothes of your soul that are stained by sin with those of Jesus, my Son, and be determined to live, while wearing his clothes, in the same way that he did: that is to live a holy and loving life. 

If you do not accept this deal, you will not only have to bear the punishment for your sins yourself, but most of all, you will be guilty of bringing upon yourselves my Son’s death. 

And then there is only an awful existence in hell awaiting you.”

I then made a call for anyone who wanted to invite Jesus to come into their heart and to rule their lives, to kneel and repeat a prayer of repentance and dedication to him after me. 

At my great surprise everyone knelt, everyone!

Some time later, a Christian friend of mine, Babaka, who was the prosecutor in the court of justice in our town, asked me to go with him and stand by 9 prisoners who were to be executed that night. 

The men had no idea that their end had come when they were awakened at 3am. They were handed over to us for some spiritual advice, but they were all shaking uncontrollably and could not register our words.

At dawn they were lined up in the bush and shot in front of our eyes.

It was very disturbing! 

One of them, even after having been shot many times in the heart, started to breathe heavier and heavier, and had to be shot 5 more times in the head before he stopped breathing. 

It scared the hell out of us all who were there!

I heard a voice…

One night, while still in the Congo, I heard a distinct voice as I was sleeping that said:                                            

“Tomorrow morning you must send some money to Costa Criticos”! (him being the young guy that first took me to church).

As soon as I woke up in the morning, I wrote a letter to him and included a check for as much money as I thought I had in my bank in South Africa.

Months later I received a letter from him that basically said:

“The day before receiving your letter we totally ran out of money. In the morning, we fed our children and then knelt and prayed this prayer:

“Our Heavenly Father, in your Word you promised to supply our needs if we put you first and foremost in our lives.

We are doing just that. 

Please do not let us now be put to shame in the eyes of our unbelieving parents. They had been insisting that we could not trust you to provide us with what we need to survive, and if we are to ask now for their help, they would be proven to be right! Please help us somehow…”

Well, early that morning… they received my check. Praise the Lord!

Serve God or Mammon?!

 That year, I worked with my parents, trying to make their workload lighter, but I grew restless and longed to serve God by reaching others to become Jesus’ followers just as I did.

I wanted to become a missionary! 

My parents threatened to cut all ties with me and leave me without any financial help or inheritance if I was to do that.

“But”, they said, if I were to stay in Zaire and take over their business, I would be very rich within five years” (our business being in those days a real gold mine!). 

They were not suggesting that I stopped being “religious”, no! no! 

All I had to do was to spend all day and everyday day of the week working, just as they did.

Business first, religion second!

I needed, they said, to look first and foremost after my financial interest… It must become my priority in life. Religion must come second …

Yes, but Jesus tells us, in his Word:

“Seek first and foremost to enter into God’s Kingdom and to spread the gospel to everyone. Everything that you will need in this world will then be given to you” (Matthew 6:33).  

I had already made up my mind: to love and seek to please God in this life, and I did not aspire to get rich and enjoy what this world has to offer…

I wanted to serve him and to do good to others, and there was no doubt in my mind that the best thing that I could ever do for my neighbour was to do what Mrs. Broekman did for me:

There is nothing that is more important than to help someone to be brought to repentance, to be brought to Christ that he may receive God’s forgiveness and salvation. 

Nothing is more important than this!

So, longing to learn how to better evangelise everyone, I said goodbye to my parents and travelled to England where I was to enter All Nations Christian College 

They felt betrayed, and they disowned me!

Ever since then, my parents were distant towards me, but they still helped me financially a number of times when they felt that I needed help.

They did send me some money while I was in England, without me letting them know that I needed to pay the fees for my second year in Bible College.

I had been “trusting” that God would “provide” for those fees in due time, and there it was… (Just as with Costa Criticos’ case!).

As years went by, I noticed that several times when I was in difficulty and decided to step forward “trusting that God will provide”, my parents sent us some money, even without me telling them about our needs…

5.  In England

I arrived in England in 1973 and spent two years in the missionary training centre studying God’s Word…

l soon found myself studying God’s Word alone in my room, since I could not understand a word of what the lecturers were saying in their echoing lecture rooms. 

I thought that I could not understand them because I was not familiar with their British accent, but much later I realized that I had a serious hearing problem: 

Years earlier, in the Congo, while playing with guns, an army rifle was fired with the end of the barrel being barely 10cm away from my ear… since then I lost 80% of my high frequency hearing in both ears, and I cannot understand at all when people speak in a noisy place.

God’s Spirit at work

One night, while at bible college, “granny Chrissy” came to my mind…

She was not really my grandmother, but when my parents sent me to school in Greece at the age of 9 (because they were too busy working and could not control me), I stayed at my uncle Paris’ house (my father’s brother), and granny Chrissy took care of me.

She loved me and took good care of me during those two years that I spent in Athens.

I, being a child, took all her loving care for granted and never showed her any gratitude or love in return

When, two years later I returned to the Congo, granny Chrissy slipped completely out of my mind.

And now, fifteen years later, while at bible college, suddenly my mind went back to her. 

My conscience was pricking me that I had never written to her, nor ever shown her any gratitude or love!

I sat down and started writing to her a letter. I stayed awake until late at night, praying for her, for her soul, with many tears running from my eyes.

Months later I was told that the night that I prayerfully wrote to her that letter, was the night that she was giving up her last breath…

Another manifestation of God’s caring Spirit”!

 My first family.

While at Bible College in England, I met Anne, an English fellow student.

 I fell deeply in love with her, and we got married as soon as we finished our studies

I loved her with all my heart, even though Anne was not exactly what I was hoping for: She was not the virgin that I so wished she would be, nor was she in love with me… she still secretly loved her ex-lover (a repeat of my mother’s story!).

But I was certain that I would win her love with the immense love I had for her! 

I was wrong: Throughout our marriage she never stopped loving her first lover…

I felt this deeply inside my soul.

I felt a great pain, a knot in my heart because of it, but I never said a word: I knew that if I did, that would be the end of our marriage.

In spite of this inner pain, I was very happy having her as my wife, and I loved her wholeheartedly.

Anne and I had seven children in all which I also loved very much, and I taught them to live in God’s ways; they did so while being under my care, but when they left me most of them joined the worldly crowd…

 Samuel, our firstborn was born in Greece.

Louisa was born in England

 Daniel, our third child, was born in England, prematurely, but died four days later… 

   Philip also saw the day in Athens 

Caroline was born in the Congo

 Domia was born in South Africa. She bears my mother’s name

 Nathalie was also born in Cape Town, South Africa

Their birthplaces gives you a glimpse of how many times we moved from country to country and town to town…

My life was very unstable. I never managed to settle anywhere!

No matter where we found ourselves, we were a very happy and exemplary family, even though I was plagued with many financial problems.

Looking back though, I notice that the enormous love that I had for my family was not shared!

The tremendous efforts I made for them were not appreciated…

  6.  In Greece

Having completed my studies in the bible college, my wife and I went to Greece.

With no church backing me up I considered myself a self-appointed, independent missionary.

With enthusiasm, I was trying to let people see that they had been brainwashed by the Orthodox Church which taught them “truths” that were in opposition to the teachings of the Bible.

{When the early Christian Church stopped being persecuted in the 4th century AD, many false teachers entered it for political and financial reasons, unscrupulously corrupting and distorting the teachings of Jesus so as to benefit from them.}

The way of Salvation was consequently completely distorted and hidden to the Orthodox and Catholic believers.

Fortunately for us, the Words of Jesus that were written in the first century by the apostles themselves, were kept untouched throughout the centuries, and the Truth can still be perceived by those who study them.

Having studied them myself without much dogmatic interference I was telling everyone I met in Athens:

You have been brainwashed…

The only way there is for you to see the “Truth” is to remove the “dogmatically colloured spectacles” that your church has slipped in front of your eyes, and to start reading by yourself the New and Old Testament.

Wipe out of your minds whatever you have been taught until now and start studying the Bible seriously, and the bible only.

Only then will you be able, after some time, to distinguish Truth from error.”

But then a thought entered and anchored in my mind:

“Are you sure that you, yourself, haven’t gulped in (unwillingly) Protestant teachings which are not backed by the Bible?

Do you put into practice the advice that you give to others?”

I did not think that I could possibly have been brainwashed!

But nor did the adherents of these dogmas think that they were either! 

And yet, I knew the Bible well enough by now to be able to see with certainty their errors. 

So, it could be that I also have unknowingly swallowed some “protestant teachings which are not really in the Bible!

I felt then compelled to put into practice the advice I was giving to others and review all my theology.

It took me many decades of serious independent study of God’s Word to see where even the evangelical doctrines have erred from God’s written Word.

In search of the Truth

In order to escape from any dogmatic influence that I may have had, I had to stop calling myself an “evangelical” Christian! 

In all sincerity, I started to look at myself as simply being “a child of God”, and nothing more. No dogmas attached! 

I started questioning every teaching that I had received during the past four years, since I became a child of God.

Needless to say, the evangelicals wrote me off, and all other dogmas never trusted me.

Ever since then, I had little Christian fellowship, few Christian friends, but this new approach made me free, free to distinguish “Truth” from error wherever I saw it, even in the evangelical theology! And, in time, I found a number of errors in it as well as in every other dogma…

The evangelical beliefs however proved to be much closer to the Truth of the bible than all other main denominations. 

“Truth” on the many topics of the bible is not found easily. 

Each biblical truth on a particular topic can be likened to a jigsaw puzzle in which a person must assemble and sort out all the pieces that are spread out throughout God’s Word before being able to see the full picture, the Truth!

And so, I kept on reading the bible from beginning to end again and again through my life, noting all the passages related to a particular subject, so as to be able, one day, to make an educated conclusion as to what God’s Word really teaches.

 There were many crucial topics that I had to ascertain in my mind.

It took me years and years of studying seriously and with an open mind the bible (and the bible only, not of theological books on any subject which will again tend to brainwash me), before I was confident that I had the right picture on the most important theological issues. 

I never wished to become a theologian, but I had to become one, and it was only after 25 years or so of serious study that the conviction grew within me that I was at last freed from most human teachings.

Reading in such a way God’s Word is actually a commandment of God who told us that: 

If a man wants to live, he must feed his soul in the same way that he feeds his body, daily, with “every word that came out of the mouth of God…”  (Matthew 4:4)

And now, after 51 years of such personal daily study, I feel that I have honestly allowed the Spirit of God to teach me his truths.

I have however still much to learn, and I am always open to correction.

All this time I have only been sharing my theological understanding with my wives and my dear children, the only audience I ever had so far.

A “captive” audience, admittedly…

I wished that God would have opened opportunities for me to teach the Word of God to others, but it never happened.

An evil spirit manifests itself.

Once, as I was explaining the gospel to a young man in Athens, he said to me:

“During my final exams this year, I was studying until late at night. I went to the bathroom to refresh myself, and when I looked in the mirror… I did not see myself but a demon!

I lost consciousness, and when I came back to myself, my parents were above me, telling me that I was shouting and frothing from the mouth…

I didn’t tell them what happened, but I tell you now.”

After he had shared this with me, I prayed with him asking God to reveal to us if indeed a demon had entered him, and what was I to do about it!

That evening the young man came back, somewhat scared, and told me that while I was praying for him earlier on, he lost his vision! When he recovered it a minute or so later, he saw to his amazement his tummy bouncing in and out vigorously and uncontrollably at great speed.

He was terrified!

Clearly, the evil spirit was forced to manifest itself as I was asking God in prayer precisely for that!

And now it had to be exorcised! 

Before doing that, I read to him Jesus’ words:

“When a demonic spirit is expelled from a person it travels through arid places seeking rest, and not finding any, it returns to where he had been evicted from and finds the person’s heart clean and tidy… but empty!  So it goes and brings seven other spirits even more wicked than itself to share that room with him, and the final condition of that person becomes worse than before.”    (Matthew 12: 43-45)

This young man however was not willing to invite Jesus to enter his heart and take control of his life and fill it with his presence. 

So, even though he was my next-door neighbour, I could not help him, and he never came back to see me. 

Frustrated to the limit.

We stayed five years in Greece.

Thanks to the National Technical Diploma that I had obtained in South Africa, I was now working for a living in various places as a technician, but I had no peace within me:

All these people around me were living without God, without Jesus ruling their hearts! They were grieving God with their worldly lives, their adulteries, their greed, their self-centredness, their worshipping of Mary and the “Saints”, their refusal to even read the Words of God…

They were bound for hell, and I had to warn them!

How could one not shout « FIRE! FIRE! » to the inhabitants of a building, whose ground floor was already on fire?

So, I did all that I could to let people know of Jesus’ words, but to no avail:

They would not even give me an opportunity to tell them what I knew!

I was utterly frustrated.

7.   Back to Africa

So, I took my wife and my then three children and moved back to the Congo, where people are much more open to hear the gospel.

My parents had offered to employ me in their bakery, and I was sure I would be of much more use to God and my fellow men there.

Anne and I worked at my parents’ business, and on Sundays we were working on opening a “mission” deep into the bush.

With the money we earned we bought a large piece of the forest, made a road to get there, and we were about to start building when an American mining company warned me that the piece of land that I had bought was part of their land which they had already bought years before…

Their papers and maps were not lying…

My money was never to be returned, and I had to give up my plans of making a “mission” in order to help the poor villagers to improve their lives and faith.

My wife and I asked again for guidance from our Heavenly Father, fasting three days and nights, and the answer came some months later:

My father (the earthly one) made me choose once again between running their business fulltime or leaving it and going about doing God’s work.  

I knew that without work and money I would not be able to do any Christian work in the Congo, and so we moved to South Africa… 

In South Africa, again.

There, in my last attempt to be of service to God, I worked in the Johannesburg YMCA, a supposedly Christian boarding hostel.

I was the YMCA’s residence secretary, responsible for the practical running of the hostel and for the residents’ spiritual welfare.

My duties of managing the hostel however gave me no time at all to befriend the residents, and I was unable to help them spiritually…

After a year of hard, unappreciated and unfulfilling work I left the “Y”, went to Hermanus, a village near Cape Town, and started there my own business.

I opened a gym.

Being naturally strong and well-built I decided to open and run a gym there.

My parents sent me enough money for us to survive for a year and to buy the metals needed for me to build my own gym equipment in our garden.

I could not possibly have bought new ones.

It took me a whole year to design and weld all the equipment and I opened up my gym and named it “Fit, Healthy and Strong in Body, Mind and Spirit”.

It kept us busy and afloat financially for the next ten years.

Hermanus is a beautiful retirement village, right at the bottom tip of Africa, and understandably, my gym did not work well there.

So, after a few years I moved it to Cape Town, the second most beautiful town in South Africa, after Hermanus… 

There, I had to open my gym out of town, where I would be able to pay the rent, and most importantly, where I would have my whole family around me all the time, since I was terribly unhappy and restless when away from them even for a few hours. We rented a house in a farm and set up the gym in the empty barn.  

We named it “Gym in a barn”! 

We were very happy being there but were still struggling to make a living!

It was mostly my fault:

I would “share Christ” with whoever came to exercise in our gym, and I placed Bible verses all over the walls. I would ask the girls to dress more modestly and so on, and I eventually I drove all my customers away…

And yet, my gym was so beautiful:

Once, two men entered it, and after looking around they told me:

“We are the owners of a world-renowned American bodybuilding magazine, and we travel throughout the world, visiting the best gyms there are.

We must say that this gym equipment we see here is one of the best that we have seen!” 

I was actually offended, because they said, “one of the best…” and not “the very best” they had seen.

I was training every day, and coaching my customers, but the gym was giving us less and less money for us to live.

Unexpectedly, my parents started sending us money to help us support the six children we had then, and I used much of that money to build ourselves a mobile home instead, so that we could finally have our own home one day.

I also started building a mobile kitchen that we were going to use as a way of getting a second income.

I worked two full years building “our future home”, but I could not finish it since my parent’s stopped helping us financially, and I had to abandon it half-finished when we left South Africa!

I managed however to finish building our “mobile cantina”.

Every Saturday we drove it to a flea market in Cape Town and we earned good money there.

However, we could not find other spots to place it during weekdays: We were constantly chased away by the police…

The fateful accident

Early one rainy morning, as I was towing the cantina with my truck to the flea market, the trailer jackknifed and overturned on the slippery highway. Everything in it was destroyed!

We were devastated, ruined, and totally disorientated, spiritually.

Why was God not blessing all our efforts?

We were working hard, doing all we could do, but we needed his help! And not only was he not helping us, but he also seemed set to destroy us…

I must say (in God’s defense) that the night of the accident was the only time ever that the children were not sleeping in the cantina while we were travelling! They would have been killed…

It was as if God was waiting for such an opportunity to allow this tragedy to happen to us, so as not to cause injuries!

God was protecting us, but not helping us…And I was grateful!

As I was pondering about all this, it became evident to me that this terrible accident must have been God’s way of telling us to get out of South Africa. 

Actually, there was no other option: The year was 1995, just after “apartheid” was abolished in South Africa and, having gone through all this before in the Congo, I knew that, as a poor “white family” living in Africa, without the means of staying well away from the black population, we would sooner or later see our children get raped and killed! 

I understood that all these dreadful events that God had allowed to come our way were his way of forcing us to get out of that country.

But how? We were barely surviving then!

God helped us leave South Africa.

Well, a month or two after the accident, as I was polishing gold rings and watches in the streets of Cape Town, (with a little battery powered polishing machine that I had built for the purpose), a couple that we knew from Hermanus recognized me, and asked me how I ended up like this, working in the streets of Cape Town!

After I told them what happened, they gave me a check, right there in the street! The amount written on it allowed us to buy air tickets for us all to return to Greece…

God intervened once again at the last moment from heaven and helped us to go to safety, in Europe, by means of this couple, Mike and Banty, who had a supermarket in Hermanus.

May God bless them.

Had we stayed in South Africa, we would have been among the first victims of the newly found “freedom” that the black population were given…

8.   Back in Greece, my family deserted me…

When we arrived in Greece, however, Anne let me know that she was leaving for England…

Her brother, a pastor, had told her that the British government took good care of single mothers and their children. Once in England, she would indeed be given a spacious house in a good area of London and a monthly allowance that would help them live much better than they ever lived with me.

And that is how I found myself rejected by those I loved most, deeply hurt, and utterly depressed…

The fact that my wife never really got to love and appreciate me and the financial misery we lived in, were the main reason why she left me.

There were of course other reasons:

Two years earlier, on the 18th year of our marriage, I dared at last to ask Anne if she now loved me more than she loved her… former lover!

I had refrained from doing so for 18 years, and I thought that I now may get a positive answer… 

Her answer, however, was such that I felt deeply offended, unloved and more hurt than I ever had been by anyone.

It is indicative that the only ring that she was wearing on her fingers was one that he had bought for her…

From that day onwards, anger and bitterness invaded my heart, my soul…

I started to long again to find another love, a true love, and I seriously considered becoming polygamous since the opportunity arose:

A 22-year-old girl who was training in our gym, a virgin, that I had never touched but fell in love with, was willing, even eager to become my second wife. 

Nowhere in the bible it is stated, or even implied, that polygamy is forbidden. On the contrary, many of the men of God practiced it, and God had made provisions for it in his Law. He even told king David that it was he, God himself, who had blessed him with many wives… (2 Samuel 12:8)

Marrying Ciska would have been a perfect way for me to be happy again, but, after some hesitation, I opted against it, for fear than Anne would leave me. 

I did not want to ever cause the breaking of my family. 

I sent Ciska well away from me, to Israel, and I grieved much because of it.

Peace and harmony had left our family, and two years later, as we left South Africa, Anne, also left me.

My children that I loved so much followed their mother. 

I begged them to stay with me in Greece.  I explained that if they were to stay, they would save our family, and their mother would soon come back to us.

But they refused to do so, in spite of my pleas.

I never forgot nor forgave their decision.

I cut all ties with them all and did all I could to forget them, so as to remain sane…

Alone and utterly miserable

The following years were pure hell for me.

I knew that the only way there was for me to get out of the terrible desperation and misery I lived in was for me to get married again and start a new family.

The Bible’s teachings on the subject did not forbid me to do so: Jesus forbids a divorced man to remarry only if he had sent away his previous wife.

I, not only never sent my first wife away, but I asked her to stay and to return…

Every day, for the next nine years after my family left me, I was fervently praying, asking God to help me find a better wife.

But I had a dilemma: In order to find a wife, one must approach the ladies, and I would never do that: it was too dangerous… Girls are my weakness!

I managed not to fall under temptation all these years simply because I was avoiding the ladies, knowing that I am not strong enough to approach them!

All I could therefore do now was to pray for a wife, but would do nothing about finding one!

In any case, I knew that it would be very difficult for me to find the kind of girl that I needed.

Only a virgin and a truly God-fearing girl would do. And there were not many of them around!

I knew that with such prerequisites my chances of getting married again were minimal…

What mattered most, I told myself, was to prove my dedication to God during these very unhappy times.

These days were the most difficult and unhappy years of my life. 

I nearly, very nearly, blew my brains away. It was only a timely visit of my eldest son that prevented me to pull the trigger!

After our divorce

When my first family left me, I stayed for a while with my unsympathetic parents in Athens, in their beautiful condominium. 

They had, by now, sold their business in the Congo, and had moved to Athens.

My parents and I never got along well, and now, them being influenced by my heartless, self-centered sister, their attitude towards me deteriorated to the point that I could not stay with them any longer.

I moved to our garage, at the basement of the building, and slept there next to their car. I would only go upstairs to eat once a day and use the toilet.

I was so broken and depressed that I did not mind living like a “bum”. 

In any case, my heart and my mind were suffering much more than my body was…

I spent many months sleeping in the building’s parking lot. And I slept most of the time… Sleeping helped me to slowly heal, for I was truly devastated. 

I became aware that there was a room next to the garage, in a half-hidden, illegal and dilapidated part of our building. It was in a terrible condition, but it had a toilet in it. So, I discreetly moved into it.

I lived there my next nine years utterly crushed by my God. 

I knew that he was behind all that had happened to me. He had decreed all the disasters that had fallen upon me one on top of another, much like with “Job”, in the Bible.

 Nothing can happen to me unless God lets it happen…

But why? Why was he so hard on me?

Did I fail him in some important way since I became a child of his?

No matter how much I searched my past in all earnestness, I could not think of having ever fallen into any willful sin after I became his child.

God could of course be simply testing me, much like he tested Job, in the Bible.

It could also be that he had decided to cleanse me of anything that remained impure within me, to refine me, like one refines gold: by passing it through fire! 

Or perhaps he was punishing me for all the sins that I had committed before becoming a Christian! 

Or maybe he was training me, like the army harshly trains its best men, that they may become tested, trusted and useful soldiers in the country’s service…

No matter what the reason was that God had decided to treat me so harshly, I had decided to remain faithful to him, laying down flat on my face like Jeremiah the prophet did, receiving his blows, until he was done with crushing me, and starts lifting me up again.” (Lamentations 3)

 And this I did.

I kept myself busy with studying God’s Word, going to church, playing music and doing some weightlifting.

During the summer periods I would set out to earn some money:  I would load my guitar or my keyboard on my bike (or later the car that my father had bought me), and I would go to the Greek islands, to Cyprus or to Spain…singing and playing in hotels and restaurants.

In all these places I lived like a monk, on rocky and deserted spots in front of the sea, well away from the crowds,  from the girls that made my head spin….

At Church I would sometimes meet other Christians from foreign countries who were in need of somewhere to stay. They were all more than welcome to stay in my room, for as long as they needed to:

 George, a young Bulgarian, stayed more than five years in that gloomy room with me.

We studied and discussed the Bible so pleasantly, together…

And there was Taiwo, a Nigerian who had to send all that he earned to his wife and children in Bulgaria for their survival. He only kept a minimum amount of his salary for himself.

His wife never appreciated all the sacrifices he was doing for his family and years later divorced him…

There was also Maurice, that Congolese musician who was struggling to find work! After staying with us nearly a year he travelled to France where he did find somewhere to play…

Mr. Giorgos was an old man, a beggar who slept in the streets of Athens.

I let him also stay with us one winter, but he would not stop bringing in our room whatever “interesting” he picked up from the rubbish bins, and so, when summer came, I asked him to go back to the streets…

And there were other people also, like this Norwegian tourist that I found in a park. All his money had been stolen, and he had still more than a week to spend in Greece before his plane would take him back home.  He stayed with us.

I was a help to them all, and they were a blessing to me.

9.  In Asia, I went searching for a good girl 

And then one winter, after nine years of living like a monk in that room, waiting for God to bring along the dream-girl I was waiting for, I decided to go and look for her in Asia: 

After all, Jesus told us: “Search, and you will find” (Matthew 7:7)

So, I went to India.

I spent a few weeks in Mombay, expecting some divine guidance or intervention, but to no avail. 

I then took a train to a forgotten village: I had been given the address of a “missionary” who lived in the middle of the Indian continent, in the jungle so to speak, and I was hoping that he would be able to point to me the right girl. 

As soon as I arrived there, however, I realized that God had sent me there not to be helped but to help:

Pastor Hariem, a local Muslim man converted to Christianity, lived with his mother, his wife and two daughters in poverty, indebted and miserable. His congregation consisted of some old people and young children…

I stayed two weeks with them, and felt urged to help them out financially.

But, I had very little money at my disposal, and I knew that if I was to help them substantially, I would not be able to continue my journey in search of a wife!

What would God want me to do? I asked myself. 

The answer that I felt deep within me was:

“This pastor is one of Jesus little ones, that must be treated as if it is Jesus himself. Would I leave Jesus with just a “handout” so that I can continue my search for a good wife?” No way!

So I gave them about half of what I had in the bank, 700$, and I promised him to send to him as soon as possible enough money to buy himself a brand new diesel powered tricycle costing 2130$ which would not only get him and his family out of misery (since he would be transporting people and goods with it), but it would also give him many opportunities to talk about the Messiah to all those who would hire his services!

That was a wonderful solution to all his problems, and I was determined to do all I could to help him. 

As for me and my plans… too bad that I will not be able to continue my journey in search for a wife…

Maybe it was not God’s will. Or maybe he can still make it happen!

I did send to pastor Hariem the money I promised him, a year or so later, when I received my part of my inheritance, but I was very disappointed when I heard that he used the money to buy a laptop and a motorbike for traveling around…

Having done so, he started sending me (and others) emails (by means of his laptop) asking for our support in his ministry…

Now, looking back, I think I was fooled into believing that he ever was involved in any “ministry” work.

In the Philippines

Leaving that forgotten village in the middle of India I went on to Thailand where I contacted a Filipino friend who used to live in Athens.

He told me that I could only hope to find such a girl as I am looking for in the Philippines. In fact, he knew one, just like what I wanted her to be, a virgin, a teacher working in a Christian school in a village called Lucban.

I still had enough money to buy an air ticket, and so I travelled to Manila and straight to Lucban, a five-hour journey by bus.

The girl he had in mind was not at all my type, physically.

I told her so, and she was offended… I apologized.

Even though hurt, she offered to help me find somewhere to lodge in and she took me straight to the house of… my future “in laws”!

Two weeks later their eldest daughter came on a weekend to visit her parents. At that time, she lived in Manila, where she was studying to become an accountant in some college.    So, we met in her own home…

Joanne was a virtuous young girl, as morally praiseworthy as I wanted my future wife to be, but so young, so much younger than I was! She was quite pretty as well. She looked more like a Chinese than a Filipina.

She also was so happy and settled there where she lived with her family and friends. How could I ever hope that she would consider marrying me!

Me! A middle-aged stranger with no money or home of my own.

Me, a man whose previous family spat him out of their lives (like a pip), certain that they would be much better off without him.

Me, a tough character, with my qualities well concealed beneath my shortcomings: I was unsettled, un-social, with a pretty negative attitude in life, and when upset…hot tempered!

How can I ever hope to impress anyone, let alone her!

Another man would not have dared to approach such a wonderful girl.

 I had nothing to offer her. Nothing, that is, except…

How can I put it to you and not sound completely out of this world?

Well, I felt that if she were to be my wife, she would become more than just a religious person, but a true child of God. I knew that if this girl was the girl that my God had in store for me, she would realize that I was the best person for her to marry and follow in this world, since few others would ever bring her closer to God than I, or love her more than I would!

And, if she was indeed the dream-girl that I was looking for she would value this more than anything else.


So, armed with such convictions I found the courage to approach her:

Two days after her arrival, however, she left back for Manila!

I sought guidance from my heavenly Father, fasted three days, and I also left for the capital.

She had told me that she was giving her final exams and after that… I hoped she would be willing to spend time with me…

Joanne, the girl with the beautiful, sweet smile, helped me find a room to rent in the same house she was living in with three other girls from her college, and… allowed me to approach her.

I explained to her that I had set out 2 months earlier from Athens, in search of a virtuous and God-fearing wife, and by that I meant a virgin, a girl that had never indulged in any sexual activity. 

 “Are you such a girl?” I asked.

“Of course,” Joanne answered with a childlike, sincere look on her face.

I proceeded in telling her that I wanted her to become my wife and hoped that our age difference would not be an obstacle. 

“It will not!”, she said in all simplicity! And that is how our romance started.

My next fear was that she would be put off by my difficult and demanding character. I could only turn to my God for help, for him to help her to accept me the way I am, for I was determined to be with her (as I was with everyone else) exactly myself, not hiding anything from her, even at the risk of losing her, since I knew how wrong it would be for me to trick her into marrying someone I was not! 

God once more listened to my prayer by making her practically blind and immune to my abrupt ways…

Two months later, we were married.

In her village, where the wedding took place, I could see the perplexing look on everyone’s face: Joanne, one of the most admired girls in Lucban, was getting married so suddenly and so early in her life, at 21, to a foreigner!

All the guys that knew her were after her, and yet, she chose someone who was 33 years her senior! 

And obviously not for his money… Why, then?!

I had asked her the very same question weeks earlier and her answer was: 

“I had been thinking of dedicating my life to God, as a nun, but now that I met you, the thought came that this is how I could serve God best, by becoming your wife”. 

This is what I understood from her incoherent way of speaking in English, and it thrilled me. 

Now, however, looking back, I wonder if I understood her well!

As soon as I did meet Joanne, and our loving relationship had started… my bank account run dry!

I then phoned my father who sent me enough money to cover all my expenses for the months ahead, as well as for our wedding feast and for the air tickets.

I am grateful to my father for helping me on that very crucial moment. 

Later, after my father’s death, my sister subtracted the amount he gave me from my inheritance. Knowing her, it was expected…

10.  In Athens, as soon as I received my inheritance…

As soon as Joanne and I were married we left for Greece, and I moved up from my “dungeon “to my father’s flat.

 He welcomed our company and our help, since he now lived alone, with just a lady taking care of him.

My mother had passed away five years earlier. She fell, broke her hip, and died on the operating table at the age of 83.

Months before her death, my mother had asked me a question, out of the blue:

“Costaki, what will you do with the money that we will give you after our death? Are you going to give it to the poor, as the Bible says?”

I knew straight away that she was looking for some excuse that would allow her to give to my sister just about all their fortune, leaving me with just handouts, so to speak.

As I was about to answer, I became conscious that my words were being carefully listened to by my Heavenly Father. And I said:

“Mother, I need the money for myself: I have nothing of my own, and there are so many things I want, I need to have… 

But if, when I get my inheritance, God will bring a situation in my path where I would feel it is my duty towards Him to help someone financially, I will most certainly help. That is what God expects from me, and that is what I will do.

 I am not going to look for such a scenario to happen, but if it comes my way, yes, I will give what needs to be given.”

And God paid attention!

So did my parents…

It so happened (and that was no coincidence) that when I received my inheritance, years later, after my father’s death, things turned out to be just as I had told my mother:

 Taïwo, the Nigerian friend of mine who had been staying with me for some time in my underground room, wrote to me a desperate letter telling me that he was stuck in Bulgaria with a confiscated passport, and with no chances of ever finding any work there. He and his Bulgarian wife and four young children desperately needed help! 

Joanne and I were by then newly married and with a baby on the way.

We needed all the money we had received to help us settle down somewhere, since we had to get out of my father’s apartment that now belonged to my sister.

But how could I not help my brother in need, now that I had the means to do so?

So, for the next year or so I sent Taiwo enough money for him and his family to live comfortably, some 8.000 in all.

When I finally stopped sending him more money, Taïwo found a way to go to Germany where he found work…

Looking back, I think that I was taken for a ride again… 

Nevertheless, I am happy to see that, once again, I did what the Bible says that I should, even though it cost me much.

It is interesting to notice that things happened just as I had told my mother, years earlier, well aware that God was listening…   

God tested me to see if I would really do as I had said I would. 

And I did!

Helping out Joanne’s family

My inheritance soon vanished away: I had received 50.000€…

We used the money for traveling to the Philippines twice.

We invested it there unwisely.

 I also gave to pastor Hariem what was promised and helped Taiwo and his family.

Last but not least, I helped my wife’s family in the Philippines.

I was very grateful to Joanne’s parents who did not raise any objections regarding me marrying their daughter, even though they were reluctant, me being a total stranger, and even older than they were…

In the Bible it is written:

“Anyone who does not provide financially for his relatives, (and especially for his own household), has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever” (1 Timothy 5 v 8)

So, when I received my inheritance, I helped my in-laws to set up a computer business on the ground floor of their house. It was managed by Joanne’s younger sister and brothers. Unfortunately, this venture failed two years after it was started. My money was again spent unwisely…

At a later stage I helped her parents renovate the ground floor of their two-story house, helped them repay their debts, (their outstanding hospital fees, their loan from the bank, etc.) 

When we left the Philippines I gave to them my motorbike and my furniture that I had bought there, and I later helped them come to Europe where they stayed four years…

It is our foremost duty in God’s eyes to help the members of our family, and I did whatever I could for them.

11.  With Joanne as my wife…

I was so happy now that God had finally helped me find the wife that I needed so much…

Grateful as I was, however, we soon discovered that our individual needs, desires and characters were diametrically opposed, clashing against each other.

I wanted, or rather I needed to have my wife’s constant company in order to be happy. This however made Joanne feel… claustrophobic, dominated! 

And what is more, I wanted, I absolutely needed, to have our intimate, marital relationships daily, without exception, and this was “too much” for her.

Thus, we were confronted from the outset of our marriage with problems that we did not expect.

Fortunately for me, in those days Joanne feared God and always accepted anything that was written in the Bible, even though she could not always put it into practice with a smile…

I, on the other hand, wanted her to be not only submissive to me, but mostly happy! And with my demands I was causing much sadness to this young girl who did not hesitate to marry me (and I would add, who sacrificed herself to make me happy). Woe to me!

Our individual personalities did not help us live harmoniously:

I am a loud, and easily angered, and I am quite demanding… 

Joanne, on the other hand, even though usually quiet and pleasant, becomes aggressive and antagonistic as soon as I raise my voice. When I blow off my steam, she gets angry, and then all hell breaks loose…

I weigh one hundred kilograms, whereas she weighs barely 40 kg. If I were to lose control of my temper with an impatient gesture of mine it could be disastrous…

Fortunately, it never happened.

Still, it seems that the fear of me creeped into her soul…

 I must say here, in my defence, that in my first marriage with Anne, we had no such aggravations. No fights, no unpleasantness, none of these at all! Never!  Honestly. 

Anne’s attitude towards me was not negative, nasty or un-pleasant, as Joanne’s often was, causing me to react aggressively.

Being quick-tempered and loud, I would shout when upset about something, but Anne, my first wife, would never react in an offensive manner, and everything would quickly return to normal.

We never ever quarrelled!

Only in the last two years of our marriage, when I realized that she still loved her “first one” did any unpleasantness appear…

12.   Moving to the Philippines

Anyway, coming back to my second marriage, I thought that my wife would be happier near her family, and, after my father’s death, I decided to move “permanently” to the Philippines.

also expected that living there would be cheaper.

In both cases, I was mistaken…

By then Danielle, our daughter was a year old.

Yahel was born soon after we arrived in the Phillipines.

We rented a house in Joanne’s village, bought furniture, kitchen appliances, a motorbike, et cetera… 

At the advice of my in-laws, I also bought a large field in which I would slowly build our house, near to where their home was. Then the field was submerged in water, as all rice-fields are, but when, a few months later I ventured into it, I discovered that it was not a rice-field… It was a swamp! A swamp several meters deep!

I had been cheated once more! 

How could my in-laws not have known? 

I refused to suspect them of misleading me willingly, but the fact still was that I had been fooled and cheated again, and I lost the last money that I had received from my father…

I am not made to live in such an ugly, treacherous world such as ours…

Being a trusting person by nature, I can easily be fooled by the crafty ones!

At some stage, my in-laws also declared my marriage with their daughter “annulled”! And Joanne was in agreement!

Annulled” is the Philippine-Catholic way of divorcing and avoiding divorce procedures…

That same day I packed my bags and went to Manila in a daze…There, a few days later, I was offered a lemonade by some strangers I had met in a park, and I fell unconscious…

They stole all the money I had left and that I had hidden in my underpants…!

When I came back to consciousness, but still in a daze, I texted Joanne and told her what had just happened. (If I would have been in my right mind, I would have never texted her).

To my surprise she came to my rescue, and we reconciled… 

It was only because God intervened in an unexpected way that we were still together…

After being a year in the Philippines, we decided that we would be better off back in Europe, since the Philippines proved to be a very dangerous place for a European to live in with his family: 

Even though we never left our home unattended, we had been robbed a number of times: Thieves would “fish out” our bags and money at night through the first-floor burglar bars with a fishing rod!

And they seemed to know exactly when I had withdrawn money from my bank account…

I was also pick-pocketed several times of much money.

After being a year in such an environment, we became afraid, terrified that one day our children might be abducted for a ransom… 

13.   Moving to  Cyprus

So, we moved back to Europe and settled this time in Cyprus, a country which seemed to be ideal for us to bring up our children. 

As soon as we arrived in the island, we found work as musicians in restaurants and hotels. I had by then taught my wife to accompany me on the keyboard. Playing music together we were earning 200 euros a night… good money!

Building us a home.

The year was 2008. The world economic crisis broke out later that year, and we were left without work!

I realised that it would be nearly impossible for us to find work again, us being new and unknown in that area; and indeed, we have not worked again as musicians ever since. 

That year Joanne was pregnant with our third child when, being hard pressed financially, we had to move out of the house we were renting in Limassol. The income that I was getting from Greece did not allow us to both eat and rent a house, and so I had decided to set camp somewhere on the mountain…

Upon hearing this, the owner of the house we were then renting offered us to settle for free at the edge on an olive grove that his wife owned just out of town. It had a deep well (therefore water and electricity), and the owner assured us that he would never ask us to leave: we could build ourselves a mobile house at the edge of his field and could feel at home there!

We took this as being another intervention and provision in difficult times from our God, and we were grateful. 

So, I started building there, all by myself, our future mobile home”.

I first built a provisional shack” where we were all crammed up for the first six months until I could finish welding together the metallic frame of our future house

I put all my energy into building our home, trusting that will give us the stability that we needed so much!

Little did I know that I will not be able to settle there either…

I built our mobile home on six barrels filled with cement, so that it could be transported elsewhere if necessary. I managed to clad it in time before the winter rains…

At that time, my in-laws were also living with us in Cyprus.

 I had brought them there, thinking that it would help my wife to be happier with them near her…

And again I was wrong!

Them being near us added rather to our marital problems…They stayed on the island (illegally) for four years before returning to their country.

Noé (French for Noah) our son, was born while we were still living all together  in the “shack”.

I designed our mobile home to be 12,2 meters long, 4,5 meters wide, and 4 meters high, a big and heavy structure designed to comfortably accommodate all of us.

 My engineering studies helped me in designing our house the best I could, and I began working painstakingly, hoping that God would help me finish this time what I was starting (not like the house that I built but had to abandon in South Africa!).

I was 60 years old then, and I had to work very hard at it, full-time from early in the morning ‘till late in the evening for seven years in order to bring it to its present state.

Just as I did in South Africa I also built a cantina, as my wife expressed her wish to cook for a living. 

Later, as I was building it, she changed her mind, and the cantina is left unused next to our house…

During those years, my daughter Danielle and I became seriously ill due to viruses in the water (from the well that we were drinking), and since then we both feel chronically tired. I became significantly weaker and unable to work hard anymore.

All I could do was to take care of my children, teaching them all I knew:  I taught them the Bible, playing musical instruments (piano, guitar and bass), I taught them the French language, working with metal and wood, and more…


These were years of great austerity for us, and I started busking in front of the sea. Having taught Danielle to play the piano she joined me soon afterwards.

Passers-by loved seeing this 8-year-old girl play so well the piano and for a while we were earning more than I ever did until then…

The social workers however forced her to stop playing with me.

I was greatly disappointed, not only because I was earning next to nothing when playing alone, but most of all because Danielle greatly improved on her piano during that time.

Unconcerned, the social welfare set back for three years this musically gifted child of mine… “for her own good” (according to them).

I can still not get used to the many laws and the unconcerned attitude towards those who struggle to survive that prevails here in Europe.

I will only be happy when living in God’s kingdom!

My second family torn apart!

In April 2019, Joanne, my dear wife that I love so much left me, after 15 years of marriage. She was tired of being “dominated” and, obviously ashamed of being married to such an old, awful man as myself!

Others could see the writing on the wall right from the start of our marriage, she being so young and I so difficult!

We divorced, but I told her that I will always consider her to be my wife, just as I considered Anne to still be my wife. Should they wish to return, they would be welcomed back, both, as long as they had not lived adulterous lives when away…

(For your information, God never forbid polygamy. The “Christian” church did, centuries after Jesus’ death and resurrection…)

Joanne is now much happier being free to do the things she wants to do, and most of all, being away from me who still needs and demands much of her constant presence, love and time.

Noé and Yahel live with their mother now, but may still decide to live under me soon.

My children choosing to live with their mother was again a big disappointment for me!

Danielle chose to do what is right in God’s eyes and stayed by my side.

She also suffered much, just as I did, and she fought her depression and anxiety attacks by playing much on her piano and playing for hours with her rooster and chicken that she loves so much.

As soon as our family was torn apart, many things started going very wrong:

The owner of the field where we had lived on for 15 years, demanded that we remove our house from her olive grove…

We wanted to oblige but we were unable to do so for lack of money:

Moving an extra-large, 18-ton mobile house was very costly.

They cut our electricity and water supply in order to force us out, and since we were still being unable to move out, they took us to court and handed us an eviction order: If we had not moved out before the end of September 2023 our house would be destroyed or forcibly removed and sold for peanuts…

 That is when God intervened and helped us to remove our home from the olive grove in time:

I unexpectedly received enough money from a pension that was finally granted to me (weeks before the eviction date) by the Cypriot government! The arear-payements that we were entitled to gave us all the money we needed to move out of there in time and keep our home…

Another timely intervention from God!

We are grateful to God for not abandoning us in our times of great need again.

However, just as the trailer carrying our house was arriving to a camping site by the sea (where we had rented out 200m2), followed by a 100T crane and police escort, the town’s authorities, mayor of the village and the region’s building inspectors came to stop us from unloading our house!

They said that this camping ground itself was illegal, and all its campers would have to vacate it soon. We were not allowed to place our house there!

 Much argument followed, and we were threatened to be dragged to court, but since I could not possibly move to anywhere else, we placed our house there anyway, regardless of their threats.

The enemy, the devil was getting at us again…

We are used to it, by now!

What will happen next? We do not even want to think about it!

We hope that God will protect us and keep on helping us.

Moving our BIG, self-built MOBILE HOME. Short transportation demonstrations video


We can easily discern again God’s enemy and ours who tries and manages to spoil our every move and effort!

It helps us pray all the more fervently: “May your Kingdom come, so that your will be done on earth, just as it is done in heaven…”

We feel much like being another “Job” of the Bible…

 As I wrote in the beginning of my biography, it truly seems that God has allowed Satan to make my life difficult, unhappy and unpleasant in every way, so as to put to the test the decision I had made long ago, that of always doing what is good, right and pleasing in God’s eyes even if this makes my life unhappy and miserable, a “loser”!

Society and Christians do consider me to be a fool and a loser, but what matters most is that Satan has failed to separate me from my Lord even by an inch, so far!

In my eventful life I sometimes considered myself as being the happiest and most blessed person on earth, and other times, more often, as being the most unhappy and God-forsaken person there is…

But, through it all, I have managed to always be faithful to God my Saviour and, I hope, pleasing to his eyes…

My prayer is that I will finish my life without ever failing him.

Until then and, even though I am now 74 years old now, I still hope and pray to find a beautiful, holy girl, half my age or less, that will truly love me and be happy being always at my side.

I most certainly need such a miracle so as to be happy again…

Let me know if you know of such a gem desperate enough to be willing to join me.

And yes, I do have a sense of humour…, but this, I truly mean!


In the introduction of my autobiography, I presented myself as being a “totally sincere person who is zealous to put God’s Words into practice in my life”, and I hope that my biography has demonstrated this.

I wonder however if, while reading through it, you have sensed my first claim, that of being totally sincere.

This is, in my mind, my strongest quality!

The children and individuals who have lived long enough with me should have no doubt whatsoever of this basic characteristic of mine:

I am sincere, totally honest with myself and others, transparent like glass!

I hide nothing. There is no pretence in me!

Being totally sincere (first of all with oneself and then towards others), is the basis upon which Truth and virtue can stand and grow within us.

Honesty is perhaps the important quality that one must have in order to allow God’s Spirit to change us from within and improve us!

I have rarely seen it in other individuals and especially in today’s churches…

I want to see it in you, my children.

If one is not totally honest with oneself and sincere with others, he will probably deteriorate to the point of becoming a hypocrite and a deceiver, traits that Jesus our Lord strongly condemned. Their “Christianity” will become a pretence of being what they are not!

Jesus had no time for such people.

Other things that I want you to learn and recall:

Throughout my life I have kept away from the love of success and money.

I was “careful” not to pursue jobs or lifestyles that were financially profitable for me and my family but did not give me the time and rest that is needed to daily study God’s Word, and to teach, correct and guide the members of my family.

I have worked hard in order to achieve whatever I have undertook, but I always made sure that I would not take too much upon myself so as to always be rested enough in order to be spiritually alert and useful.

Since I need to sleep 9 hours a day, I also had to completely cut out all habits that would steal the little time I had to fulfil my duties.

I hardly ever treated myself or my family with pleasant outings, going to the cinema or even watching TV at home.

Perhaps I should not have been so hard with myself and those under my care, but life was always a struggle for me, and we always had to make sure that we read the bible as a family every evening for at least one hour, a time during which we would “eat” spiritual food and allow God to speak directly to our soul and heart!

This habit made me and those children who have lived long enough with me what we are now, truly dedicated children of God.

Make sure that you are always rested enough so as to daily have the time and strength to feed your soul with God’s Word.

Never become so entangled in society, at school, work, or leisure that you cannot fulfil and satisfy your spiritual daily needs.

They must be a priority in your lives!

Also stay well away from anything (whether: work, friends, hobbies, etc.) that will tend to draw you or the members of our family away from Christ’s ways.

That is what I did:

I even removed some of you, my oldest children from high school, after becoming conscious that our society’s system of education (and the influence that the other school children had on them) were most definitely influencing and moulding them to become much like the world wanted them to be.

And this had to be avoided most definitely, at all costs!

Boyfriend-girlfriend relationships were, and must always be, totally out of the question for us!

Until, that is, your future husband or wife would be, one day, clearly recognised and allowed to approach you within our family environment.

Always dress and behave modestly, regardless of the fashion and trends that prevail in the immoral and God-less society that we live in.

To sum it up, make sure, as I did, to spend most of your time together, as a family, even an extended one, trying to be happy in such a way…

All this advice and example that I have shown is, I believe, the key to a Godly, happy life.

Looking back, it may be said that I was perhaps a bit too hard on my family, since both of my wives and just about all of my children left me never to return…

Still, I do not regret any of my ways: the spiritual well-being of my family was my aim and my foremost responsibility.


To close, I must make one final comment: I am not a saint.

I have lived a holy life in the sense that I have never allowed myself to sin willingly, especially sexual sins which are my great weakness.

But I have other drawbacks which, it seems, spoil me greatly.

Both of my wives and all those who live close to me will tell you that I have a very short temper: When I am under stress, or when I get physically or emotionally hurt I can get very loud and aggressive.

The expressions on my face scare everyone present. Those who live constantly with me find this very unpleasant, and unless they really love me or feel strongly committed to me they would rather live well away from me. It seems that this has played a big part in the failure of my two marriages…

I am very sorry that I am not able to control my outbursts of frustration, anger and rage. I have prayed much about it, and for a while I have forced myself to be cool and restrained like a proper Englishman but, after three months of being thus “false” I could not bear it anymore.

I hated what I had become and chose to become my good old self again, driven by my strong emotions and my spirit that refuses to pretend to be what I am not.

Being impulsive and expressive is part of my nature, the way God has made me, and I see many advantages in being so.

To counter the unpleasantness that I cause to those close to me, (for I hardly ever lose my temper towards those outside my family), I have always counted on the immense love that I demonstrate to my wives and children, hoping to thus make up for this unpleasant trait of mine. But it has obviously not worked!

It seems that people do not notice so much someone’s qualities and actions of love, but quickly notice his faults and shortcomings.

Still, I am ashamed for my impatience and the swearing words that sometimes come out of my mouth.

May God forgive me for being a bad example to those close to me.

As for my outbursts of anger, I would say that, even though I bark loudly, I do not bite, just nibble…

                             CONSTANTIN ECONOMIDES

Constantin Economides
Constantin Economides

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Beware: Wolves Dressed in Sheep’s Clothing

                                A Warning…
Rat poison is made mostly of a nutritious ingredient such as corn. The poison that is mixed with it is minimal, but deadly! So it is with some of today’s theologies…
Entrust your soul’s salvation only in the divine Words that Jesus uttered, which were brought to us by the pen of his chosen apostles, who were chosen by him to transmit correctly the words that he uttered and the deeds that he performed, with the help of the Holy Spirit that Jesus blew onto  them before ascending to Heaven.
The apostles wrote, and their writings  are now preserved in the New Testament! Those written words are God’s Word, (just as the words the Old Testament prophets wrote are God’s Word).
Read them every single day of your life with an open mind and an open heart, base your faith on them (and them only) and let them change your way of thinking and living.
Do not entrust your eternal destiny in today’s  churches. The Devil, our enemy, has infiltratde many of them right from the beginning of the Christian era (and even more so these last two centuries) and has sown poisonous teachings in them, which lead their adherents  into beliefs and practices which not only distract us from what is important, but which also are  contrary to God’s Words and jeopardize our very salvation…
Most of today’s churches have been thus affected: The old traditional ones such as the Catholic and Orthodox churches, as well as the modern ones such as the Mormons, Jehovah Witnessess, Adventists, Charismatics and others.
I need to apologize for being so  negative towards them, but it is my duty, as a sincere and non-dogmatic child of God who has been studying the Bible for 49 years now, reading it carefully and prayerfully for at least one hour a day, every day, and interpreting them like an innocent child would, (as Jesus suggested), it is my duty to warn you of those “wolves that are dressed in sheep’s clothes” that Jesus himself spoke about. I do not belong to any church, any dogma. My sole allegiance is to my Lord and God Jesus Christ.
I am also not an expert on the subject, but I have lived enough and argued much with leading … of these dogmas to be able to point out to you were they have gone wrong in their theologies…
Catholic and Orthodox Churches
Up to the middle of the last century, the Catholic service, [mass] was conducted in Latin, a language that no one understood. No wonder that its adherents remained unaware of its many heretical beliefs…
Up to recently, their priests were discouraging, even forbidding, their adherents to read the Bible. In this way God’s Words, the Truth, were hidden from the laymen’s eyes.
Likewise, up to now, in the Orthodox Church the service is chanted in ancient Greek, a language that very few understand.
The passages chanted are always the same and don’t go anywhere near the vital teachings of Jesus…
If someone was to ask an Orthodox priest for a New Testament he will be given a heavily paraphrased version of it that is designed to explain away why their teachings differ from those of the Bible.
The Orthodox and Catholic churches both claim that only they,(each one separately from the other) posses the truth and are the only way to eternal life… 
As a basic argument, both of these churches  claim that their particular church has an uninterrupted line of priestly “succession” going up to the apostles themselves. This, they maintain,  assures them that the interpretation that their “holy church fathers’” gave (many centuries after the apostles wrote),  must be is the right one!
They strongly reject the idea that the Word of God can be understood literally and with simplicity, (like any child would do), by its reader! Its interpretation, they insist, must be left to the church’s holy fathers!
Are we really supposed to “humbly submit” our spirit, (and our logical perception and understanding) to the interpretation the “holy fathers” give, even when a passage  clearly says something else than they do?
Listen to what the apostle Paul himself wrote on the subject:
“When we write to you, brothers, we do not mean  anything different than what you are actually understand”. (2Corinthians 1: 13)
“ Even if one of us, or an angel from heaven, teaches you anything different than what you have already been taught by us, you should not believe him. He is deceiving you. Let him be accursed.” (Galatians 1: 8-9)
Right from the beginning, the apostles’ writings were meant to be read and literally understood by the believers themselves. This was discouraged throughout the centuries, and as a result many heresies were slipped into the church’s theologies: 
These traditional churches give much importance to adhering to a established Christian practices such as baptism, communion, church attendance, confession, apostolic forgiveness of sins…
These, they claim,  are only means by which we can be saved ! Poison, deadly poison! Totally against what Jesus taught… 
The perception of “Sacraments” was introduced centuries after Christ, as a way for the clergy to impose themselves on the believers, since only they, they claim,  can administer them…
Consider another blatant disregard of God’s Word:
In the Ten Commandments, God strictly forbids us to pray to, to bow down to, to worship or to give thanks to anyone else than Himself. He is a jealous God and gets deeply offended when we do otherwise. He  likens those who disobey this commandment to a married woman who is intimate with another man other than her own husband.
God is a jealous God! ( he says so himself, in the Ten Commandments!). And he is a very vengeful God! Beware!
In spite of these crystal clear passages and warnings, these churches do worship and pray and give thanks to Mary, to the “saints” and to images without any fear or shame! They maintain that Mary and the Saints are mediators on our behalf to God, when the apostles tell us clearly that there is only one mediator in between  God and men: Jesus himself. (1Timothy 2: 5). 
Modern Churches:
The Bible was printed in 1454 and was widely distributed ever since. From that moment when Christians had direct  access to God’s Word, many left the ranks of these traditional churches, rejecting their teachings and traditions and started scrutinizing the Bible for themselves.
That is how the “Bible based Protestant” churches were formed and prospered.
They were, however, independent from one another, free to differ, and with time they were divided into as many dogmas as there were church “leaders” among them, bringing disrepute and many false doctrines in the church.
Most Bible based Churches are now heading further and further away from the Truth, overshadowing  the basic and most important teachings of Jesus (apostolic faith, love  and holy living), while greatly emphasizing  and distorting one aspect or another in the Christian spectrum.
There are, today “Charismatic churches”, “Prosperity churches”, “Happy clappy churches” that  attract many “believers” into their lively, entertaining meetings with promises of guarantied well being in this life, of experiencing supposedly “Spirit given gifts” and more… Their followers end up becoming hypocrites, pretending to  be what they are not.
Other churches, in an effort to differ and attract followers seek to be  as different and exclusive  as possible, and go to extremes:
They refuse to understand some of the Bible’s passages literally (as they are meant to be understood), and by means of far fetched interpretations they create many dangerous heresies:
The Jehovah Witnesses tell us that we must fix our eyes only on God the Father, belittling the Son to a mere archangel, even though Scripture tells us that we were created by him (Jesus) and for him.
The Adventists, (another sect) have much in common with the Jehovah Witnesses.  They give paramount importance to keeping the Sabbath holy,(it actually being one of the Ten Commandments) and believe that only those who do so will be saved…. Satan’s misleading hand in their theology  however can be  clearly discerned when they teach their adherents to willingly accept the “Mark of the Beast” that will be engraved, or implanted on everyone’s right hand or forehead, something that God strictly forbids, clearly warning us that all those who do so will end up in Hell!
Unfortunately there are many, many more misleading religions in our modern world! There are even some that claim that their leader is Jesus himself! Do not be mislead.


All this is very confusing to a new believer.
There are some churches, however, that are closer to the truth than others.
We Christians must have fellowship with other believers, and in my opinion one would be safer if he/she looks  it among Evangelicals, Baptist’s or some Born-Again movements…
Most of these churches offer safe teachings, but are often deficient in fellowship, as it seldom satisfies anyone who needs it…
No church is perfect!
What must you do when confronting all this confusion?
Make sure that you are on the right and narrow road:
Feed yourself daily only from the Words that God has spoken in the Bible, so as to learn for yourself directly out of the mouth of Jesus (and by means of the writings of his very Apostles), the Truth, the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth.
And the Truth will free you from all human deceptions and errors and  from the power that sin has over you. It will take some time though…
When reading the Bible make sure that you understand it literally, as any child would, unless, (as in some passages), it is impossible to do so. Only then passages can be understood metaphorically.
Learn to listen to the soft inner voice of the Holy Spirit whispering to you what you must believe and do.
Whatever God wants you to know and do is written in the New Testament. Read it everyday of your life.
Jesus told us:
“A man must not eat only food such as bread to feed his body, but must also feed himself daily from every Word that has come out of the mouth of God, to feed his Spirit.” (Matthew 4: 4)
Feed your soul everyday from the New Testament  with this spiritual food, or else you will become atrophic, spiritually weak and will not be able to differentiate between truth and error, right or wrong, nor will you have the power to overcome sin! For if we do not live holy lives we will not see God. So he says.
I, the writer, I have been studying daily the Bible,(and the Bible only, no other theological books) for nearly five decades, and have been striving to put it into practice in my life.
I do not belong to any particular church or dogma. I follow Jesus only, and I believe and teach only what I see written in God’s Word.
                                   Constantin  Economides                         

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Israel’s Future Woes

 Israel’s Future Woes

 Israel is the nation that God has chosen out of all nations to be his very own, precious to him like the apple of his eye, and its existence and history today is a testimony to the veracity and accuracy of the bible’s prophecies.

God cares for all his creation, all peoples.

However, some 4000 years ago God had noticed Abraham, an extremely righteous and faithful man who was so good, dedicated and obedient to his Maker that he was willing to even sacrifice his much-loved son, when God told him to do so!

God appreciated Abraham so much that He referred to him his friend and decided to make him the “father” of a nation, a nation in which God himself will one day descend from heaven and live among them on earth, in the person of his Messiah.

That nation had therefore to be a holy and righteous one in all its ways… an example for all other nations to follow!

 So, out of Abrahams grandson, (Jacob, whom God named: “Israel”), God made the nation of Israel.

 Unfortunately, the descendants of Abraham, did not live up to God’s expectations.

Instead of scrapping the whole idea, God chose rather to persist with them, correcting them like a father does with his sons, until they would become worthy of the “father” of their nation, (Abraham), and of Himself, their God.

The children of Israel however proved to be a very stiff-necked, disobedient people, and their “education” has been going on for 4000 years now, with no results…

They have been chastised by God more than any other nation on earth, but still, they haven’t learned yet to love and trust their God sincerely and wholeheartedly nor have they learned to live in a way that is pleasing to him!

Right from the start, God had foretold them that in order to make of them the kind of people he approved of, he would have to bring upon them many woes: hardships, sorrows, wars, even exiles from the land that he gave them.

That is exactly what has been happening to them for the last 3.000 and more years!

And yet, the Israelites today are still as depraved, greedy and Godless as the rest of the nations, if not more so…

The Jews chose to keep the letter of the Law of God rather than the “Spirit of the Law”, the message that God’s commandments were meant to convey to them: That of becoming truly holy, righteous, humble, loving, merciful… of loving one another as they love themselves!

They were so blind to God’s teachings that they did not even recognize their long-awaited Messiah, who walked among them 2000 years ago, Yeshua, Jesus of Nazareth!

They will recognize him, one day, and submit to him when he will come back to earth, in Jerusalem, in order to live among them and establish his earthly Kingdom.

That is what we all are waiting for!

But, until then, woes and much suffering have been decreed…

History has been unfolding itself in accordance with the prophesies of God that concern the nation of Israel and will keep on doing so:

Today, any person who wishes to ascertain that the Bible is truly God’s Word, needs only to read the Old Testament:

If the Bible’s prophesies are being fulfilled, then, the Bible proves to be the compilation of God’ revelations to mankind, worthy of our complete trust and submission.

If the prophesies in the Bible, regarding Israel, have not come to pass, then the whole Bible is proven to be a lie…

It is as simple as that!

And it is an un-deniable fact that, up to now, the Biblical prophesies for Israel have been fulfilled:

*Just as the bible’s prophets had predicted over 3.000 years ago, the Israelites have experienced painful slaughters and mass exiles, first to Babylon, and later, by the Romans, to the world’s nations. No other nation has experienced the exiles the Israelites went through… Only Israel.

*Just as the bible has predicted, the children of Israel have survived, miraculously, through the two millennia long exiles and persecutions that they experienced, without them having been assimilated by the nations or exterminated by them, (in spite of all efforts made to that purpose!).

*And, just as the bible has predicted, the Israelites have now returned to their original land, Israel, in spite of all the attempts of their enemies to prevent them from settling there!

The fact that the Jews, today, (the descendants of the tribe of Judah) are settled in Israel, shouts out loud and clear to all who have ears to hear, that so far, the Biblical prophesies have been, fulfilled, (miraculously and against all expectations) and that the “Scriptures” are what they claim to be: The written, historical compilation of God’s Words and dealings with mankind!

The near future will provide additional proof of this, when world events will fulfil even more un-predictable and un-likely prophesies on the nation of Israel:

Today, Israel has become a strong nation, economically, technologically, and militarily, and is crushing all the attempts of its enemies to annihilate them…

This powerful nation of Israel, however will soon be subject to another terrible defeat and slaughter, and its inhabitants will go through another exile, which will last until the coming of their Messiah who will personally bring them back to their own land, change their hearts and make out of them the kind of people they were meant to be…

Consider the following, yet unfulfilled prophecies that speak of these events about to happen: (The sentences written in italic characters indicate that these predictions cannot be confused with their past woes and exiles)

            In the book of Joel chapter 3 it is written:

  1. “In those days and times, says the Lord, after I would have brought back (once again) the people of Judah and Jerusalem to their own land,
  2. I will gather the armies of the nations surrounding Israel into the valley of Jehoshaphat.

That is where I will punish them for having harmed my people, for having scattered them among the nations and having divided up my land among themselves,

  1. And for casting lots to decide who will take the surviving young men and girls for themselves…

4 – 5. The cities of Tyre and Sidon (Lebanese cities)  and Philistia (today’s Palestine) will carry my silver and gold to their pagan temples…

  1. And they will sell the people of Judah and Jerusalem to the Greeks, so that they may be removed from their homeland
  2. But I will lift my people out of these places where they will be sold, and I will do to these cities what they have done to my people:
  3. I will sell their sons to the people of Judah, and they, in turn, will sell them to the Sabeans (people of Arabia)… I the Lord have spoken!”

9-14. Let then all the nations come together to fight in the valley of judgement, and there I will deal with them, for great is their wickedness…

  1. The Lord himself will roar from Jerusalem, from Zion, (where he will first set his feet). The sun, the moon and the stars will be darkened, and the heavens and earth will shake.

And the Lord will become, from then on, a safe haven for his people…

18-20. The mountains of Judah will be flowing in abondance with wine, milk and rivers of water…, whereas Egypt and Jordan will become a desert because of what they did to the Israelites!


Judea and Jerusalem will be inhabited through all generations, for I will pardon their bloodguilt.

  1. And I, the Lord, will live in Zion, among them!


There are other prophesies in the bible regarding these same events:


                 In Isaiah chapter 2 and 3 it is written:

 Again, God gives a glimpse of what will happen to Israel in our near future:

It starts by saying that the land will be full of riches, idols and arrogant people (as it is today)

But suddenly, the Lord will bring them low and Jerusalem will be no more!

The men will be killed, the women will have their heads shaven (an  indication of having become slaves) and the few women and children that will be left in the land will be ruling the country for the lack of men… Under them, the people of Judah live in utter poverty.

Then, suddenly, the Messiah will come

                         In Zechariah 9: 9 – 13 it is written:

6.“I, the Lord will bend Judah as I bend a bow and load Ephraim as an arrow on it. And like a warrior’s sword I will brandish the sons of Zion against the sons of Greece.


And Yahweh Himself will appear above them (Judah)

16.And I will save them on that day…”


                  The prophet Amos also refers to the days after the Messiah would have brought back, in person, his people from their third exile:

Amos 9:

  1. “The Time will come, says the Lord, when the grain and grapes will grow faster than they can be harvested.

Then the terraced vineyards on the hills of Israel will drip with sweet wine! 

  1. (In that time)I will bring my exiled people of Israel back from distant lands, and they will rebuild their ruined cities and will live in them again.”   
  2. “And I will plant my nation, Israel, on their own land, the land I gave to them, and they will never be uprooted from it again…”  



                  The prophet Ezekiel also wrote:

“I, their God, will give them a new heart and a new spirit within them. I will remove the heart of stone from their flesh and give them a heart of flesh, that they may walk in my instructions and keep my rules and obey them. And they will be my people, and I will be known as ‘their God’ ” 

(Ezekiel 11: 19-20)


All these passages reveal to us what will happen in the future.

For:  “Yahweh our God, does nothing without first revealing what He plans to do to his servants the prophets…”       (Amos 3: 7)


As these future prophesies are fulfilled, let the people of Israel and of the whole world recognize their apostacy, humble themselves and submit to Jesus, the Messiah.

For, by submitting themselves to him, they will cut short the time of their sufferings…




This World is so Unfair! WHY?

I am not talking about the unfairness that comes from men, that of treating one another unfairly.
I am talking mostly of the unfairness that we inherit from birth  or from God:
Some are born very beautiful or handsome, others less so, and others downright ugly…
Some are born healthy, strong, and intelligent and others are born with many  defects, weak and intellectually disadvantaged…
Some are born in wealthy families, and most in poor families, struggling to exist…
To some, life seems to smile, and they achieve and enjoy much  in this world, while for others it look as if they have been cursed by God himself: everything goes wrong in their lives…
It actually seems that God himself is unfair!
How else can we, those who believe in the God of the Bible, explain this real problem of being at a great disadvantage than others in every conceivable way.
Other religions make provisions for such unfairness, such as the Hindu religion who believe that we reincarnate, and our present body is the result of our previous earthly lives, whether good or bad!
But the Bible rejects the idea of re-incarnation, for it is written:
“Everyone must die once and after that face God’s judgement”   (Hebrew 9: 27)
Thus, according to the only True God and his Word, we do not get born and die many times: we die once!
And yet, there is evidence in the Bible that although we only die once, we lived in some other form before we were actually born on earth!
And that would explain much of the “unfairness” that our God is accused of: It could well be that everyone got what he deserved when he became human, just as the disciples suggested to Jesus in the passage bellow:
“Once, the disciples pointed to Jesus someone that was born blind and asked him: whose fault is it that he is born blind? Is it because he sinned, or is it because his parents’sinned?    (John 9: 1~2)
If today’s theologians were right, Jesus would have answered:
“Don’t ask such silly questions! How could this man have sinned himself  since he did not even exist before being conceived…”
Instead Jesus answered:
“Neither he, nor his parents had sinned” (John 9:3)
He silently confirmed, in this short answer of his, that men exist in some other form in heaven, before they are born on earth, and that their behavior there causes God to make them as they are here on earth.
And there are other passages that imply man’s pre-existence:
The apostle Paul wrote:
“God had me set apart before I was even born…to reveal his Son to me and appointed me to evangelize the nations” (Galatians 1: 15-16)
Similarly God said to the prophet Jeremiah:
“Before I, your God formed you in the womb, I, knew you well, and before you were even born I consecrated you to become a prophet to the nations”. (Jeremiah 1: 5)
There should be no doubt therefore, that we existed before we were born, and that what he made of us in this life on earth is a consequence of how we behaved previously in heaven.
Let no one blame our God of being unfair.
God is Just, and that is the opposite of being unfair!

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