
Beware of False Teachings

Beware of choosing the first church that you find yourself involved in as your home church!

Beware of the insincerity and false teachings that exist in many of today’s churches! Their teachings can be deadly, completely misleading…

They will offer you the truth as a main course, but the desert…may be poisonous, deadly!

There are a number of many well established churches that you would not expect them to be heresies. But they are!

Their theologies have been greatly influenced by their need to get their adherents to “support” them financially…

 Catholic and Orthodox Churches are a good example of a completely derailed theology!

Others, such as the Jehovah Witnesses or the Adventists have exploited the difficult theological concepts or passages of the Bible so as to snatch some believers into their ranks…

And others, again, such as, the Prosperity Cults and even the Charismatics have pushed aside the end goal that a christian should have for more earthly experiences…

Most of these  church adherents are, up to a point, sincere. They are sincere but wrong!

They, themselves have been fooled, brainwashed by their churches’ leaders who chose to close their eyes so as not to be disturbed by the un biblical teachings of their dogmas.

Those leaders have chosen to become teachers of God’s Words and Truth bear an unforgivable guilt when they lead the flock away from the Truths of the Bible. Becoming someone important, and the appeal of an easy and secure income blinded them too easily!

As I said earlier, there may be some truth in the main course, but the desert can off set it all, since it contains deadly poison!

Let me give you an example:

The Seventh Day Adventist churches teach (like all other churches do),the need to be holy and loving.

They simply insist also on keeping the Sabbath holy, instead of Sunday. And there is nothing wrong with that!   

Like the Jehovah Witnesses, they have rejected the existence of man’s soul after death, and other biblical teachings, which make their dogma somewhat weary…but not deadly for as much!

The deadly part is reserved for latter: in the “desert”, they finally present you the most deadly teaching of all:

Against Jesus’ express repeated warnings written in Revelation 13 and 14, they teach that there is no problem whatsoever in accepting and receiving the Mark of the Beast in the final test that God’s children will have to go through!

(God’s faithful children are commanded to refuse to receive that Mark, if they want to enter into his Kingdom!)

So, when the time will come, all Adventists are taught to accept the forbidden Mark of the Beast on their right hand or their forehead, which stands much like the forbidden fruit that Adam and Eve accepted long ago…

They will accept it, to save their lives, and be condemned to Hell because of doing so, because of not passing the final test set by God, that will separate the saved from the unsaved…

As you see, the poison is in the pudding! Beware of what church you join!

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