
Beware of false teachings

Beware of the insincerity and false teachings that exist in many of today’s churches!

Satan has infiltrated a good number of them and has altered some of their teachings to make them completely misleading.

They will offer you some truth as a main course, of course, but the desert…may be poisonous, deadly!

Let me give you an example:

The Seventh Day Adventist churches teach, (like all other churches do), the need to be loving and good.

They also give much emphasis on keeping the Sabbath holy, instead of Sunday, and not eating “unclean” food and some other of the Old Testament laws… which, according to the apostles’ writings, we have been “freed” from.

Indeed, the apostles insist that after Jesus’ crucifixion, we do not have to submit any more to the “Written Law” of the O.T., but to the Spirit of the Law, that the New Testament and the Holy Spirit teaches us.

But there is more:

The Adventists also reject other biblical truths such as the existence of man’s soul after death, or the existence of hades and hell that Jesus was talking so much about…

So things are getting more worrisome…

But Satan’s hand in their theology is made evident not so much in the main body of their teachings but in the “desert”, which they keep for the end! And it’s poison is deadly, and comes out straight from the Devil’s mouth:

It is all about the “Mark of the Beast” that Jesus himself warned us against in Revelation 13 and 14.

Against Jesus’ express and repeated warnings, they teach that there is no problem whatsoever in accepting and receiving a Mark from the Beast on our right hand or forehead, in the final, decisive test that God’s children will have to face.

In the Scriptures, God’s faithful children are clearly commanded to refuse to receive the Mark of the Beast on their hand or forehead.

If they accept it, Jesus says, they will not be allowed to enter God’s  in heaven but will be thrown with Satan in the lake of fire and sulfur…e

By not accepting this Mark, the coming ruler of this earth will make it impossible for us to buy or sell anything anymore, and we will submitted to hunger, persecutions, imprisonments and beheadings!

Nevertheless, we will have to stand their ground and refuse the Mark!

It will be the deciding test, that will separate the true followers of Jesus Christ from the mere religious church goers…

And yet, believe it or not, all Adventists are taught to accept the forbidden Mark of the Beast, when the time will come to receive it. And the time is now near…

They are taught not to take this prophecy literally but to interpret this passage, (contrary to all logic), as a law “forbidding their sabbath keeping”, something that they will never accept!

For them, choosing to hold services on Sunday instead of Saturday, is  the unforgivable sin that they must refuse to succumb to!

They are taught that they are free to accept the Mark of the Beast, (666), on their right hand or forehead in order to save their lives, even though Jesus warns us that all who do so will be tortured in the fire and sulphur.

This will be the final, ultimate test set by God, that will separate the saved from the unsaved, and they teach their adherents to disobey it!

Unbelievable but true: the poison that Satan has inserted in this church is in the pudding!

This is an example as to why we should beware of what church we join!

Such treacherous teachings are not being taught in the more established, traditional churches such as the Catholic and Orthodox Churches, but their theologies will also surprise any sincere Bible reader, as being a complete distortion of the “Way of Salvation” set by Jesus Christ himself!

Their belief of being saved by their church’s sacraments, (which, according to them, makes of them “Christians” when baptized by their priests, which imparts on them God’s absolution when they confess their sins to the priest, or grants them  total forgiveness of their sins when receiving the “Eucharist” from their priests, etc…), is a completely complete travesty of the Bible’s teachings, that results in a hopelessly derailed theology!

Keep well away from such churches also!

Much like the Adventists, other religious groups that emerged on the 19th century, such as the Jehovah Witnesses, have exploited the difficult theological concepts of the Bible so as to snatch some believers into their ranks and expose them to dangerous, if not deadly theologies that go as far as denying the deity and importance of the person of Jesus Christ himself, who played the key role for the salvation of mankind!

Beware of anything that tends to belittle or do away with Jesus Christ, who the Bible tells us, is “the Great God and Saviour” of mankind, as written in Titus 2: 13

Other church groups, such as the Prosperity Cults and the Charismatics, seek and focus on more earthly rewards and experiences: riches, happiness and so-called gifts and experiences of the “spirit” that are a result of much pretending and deceit from their part…

There is no room for self-deceit or pretending in the heart and spirit of a True Child of God!

I could be suggesting you some “safer” and more Bible-centred churches, but I refrain to do so for fear of being branded as belonging to one of them, which I do not!

I have chosen to ignore all human dogmas.

I have just been studying carefully and daily the bible for the last 50 years, completely independently from existent theologies…

Do as I did, and you will be safely guided by God’s Spirit in his Truth!

Constantin Economides


YouTube:  Born to be a musician and a light to the world

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