
Work for that Treasure!

Matthew 13: 44

 Having found a unbelievable treasure…     

It touches me much when I see a dog waving frantically his tail at the sight of his owner, or a cat clinging to its master…or, as in my case, when my favourite cock will neglect its hens and rather start gently pestering me so as to draw my attention…   

They evidently love and appreciate their owner very much and are most happy when they are in his or her presence!   

 Well, I know that in heaven I will be much like them, seeking to be as close to God as I possibly can, for that is where perfect happiness is to be found.   

We, humans, have been created in order to share a close and warm relationship with our Creator!     Jesus is the embodiment of perfect. 

Love, Kindness, Holiness, Faithfulness and any other admirable quality I want to have myself!   He is the most  beautiful and admirable being there is, and my soul thirsts for him!  I want to become like him.  

Jesus and his Word, the Bible, is the “treasure” that I am so pleased to have discovered early in my life, and  that is referred  in Matthew 13: 44 , where it is written:    “A man unexpectedly discovered a treasure, and proceeded to sell everything he had in this world in order to buy the land where the treasure was hidden and make it his own!”   

 Jesus is my treasure, and so is his written Word, that I value more than everything, and I am willing to forsake everything there is in this life so as to be made as he instructs me, pleasing and  acceptable to him. 

Knowing that the more I will become like him, the more happy I will be in eternity.   

I am determined to co-operate with his Spirit and bear whatever unpleasant training he may have to put me through in this life, whether sorrow, pain, disappointment, tragedy or downright misery, so as to become more like him, and closer to him.  

 I do not want to be like some of the pets that I loved and took them in my home, only to see them tearing the curtains, destroy the furniture, snatch food from the table and pooing everywhere… 

 In the end, I had to chase them out of our house…    This must not happen to me:  While here on earth I must make every effort to learn to be acceptable and pleasing to my God.  

  The reason why I am still here on earth, and was not “taken” to heaven when I became a follower of Jesus, is that I must first be made clean, be corrected, trained and tested under God’s hard and often unpleasant treatment so as to become more like Jesus, my role model,   an approved companion of his that he will love to spend time with in eternity… 

In other words, I am willing to accept the unpleasant and distressing events that I already bear in my life,  the schooling that is necessary for me to become the best I can ever be for Jesus, who is my God, my Saviour, my “treasure”  

  Does your soul thirst, long to become the best you can possibly be, even if you may have to go through much suffering in this world for it? 

 Are you willing to give up every pleasure you may have in order to get hold of this treasure that you will enjoy fully in God’s heavenly kingdom?  Jesus said that among those who will be with him after their resurrection there will be many who will be “guests”, but few that will be among the chosen ones, the elite…(Matthew 20:16)

 I strive to be among the elite! 

What about you?                             

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