
The Wretchedness of Mankind

«As men began to multiply on earth, God saw that mankind was becoming increasingly evil, that their hearts and thoughts were constantly after what is wrong and evil in God’s eyes!»

This passage is written in the very first pages of the Bible!

God had regretted that he made men on his earth not long after creating them!

He said: “I will wipe out the human race that I have created from the face of the earth, together with all animals and birds.

I regret I ever made them…”

“But then, God considered Noah: 

Noah was a very righteous man, the only blameless person there was, who lived just as God demanded it. 

And God decided to be gracious to him and let humanity survive through him…”   (Genesis 6: 5- 9)

Did you notice what terrible opinion God has of us, humans: “The thoughts of their hearts”, he said, “and their deeds are constantly after what is evil, bad in God’s eyes!”

And his opinion of us has not changed since then!

Throughout the Bible, God keeps on accusing us of being totally self-centred and downright ungodly. 

And for those persons who live in our times, he sayd: 

“In the last days people will above all love themselves and money! 

They will be proud, arrogant, and turn against God himself…They will be abusive, heartless, loving pleasure rather than loving God… 

They will appear to be good and just, but their wickedness will transpire and be made evident to all through their actions…”

 (2 Timothy 3: 1-5)

 And he adds:

“Man’s heart is not only utterly wicked, but also utterly deceitful! it fools them into thinking that they are good…”      (Jeremiah 17:9)   

We should therefore not trust our heart when it tells us, that in spite of all our faults, we are OK!

No. We are not OK.

If most of us have not done what we consider to be terrible sins during our lifetime, it is simply because we did not have the opportunity to do them, or perhaps we were too afraid to do the evil that we would have love to do, if we were given the chance…

Be honest with yourself, for a moment, and let your thoughts drift to where your heart’s desires really are, to what you would have done if you were given the chance, if you knew that you will not suffer any unwanted consequences…

If you can be honest enough with yourself you will have to admit that your heart is not as good as you think it is …

Yes, this is how God sees what’s in your heart… and mine:

It is utterly despicable!

Perhaps, then, you will realise that, just like myself, you badly need Jesus to come into your heart and life, for him to change it from the inside out, or at least that he may put in it the fear and dread of God, so that you may deny yourself and resist temptation if such opportunities were to ever arise…

God, of course will never condemn us for “what we would have done if it had the chance”… It would not be fair! 

He only needs to simply condemn us for the evil that we have actually done. 

And believe him when he says that there is enough of it to send you to hell!

However, for those of us who would allow Jesus to soften our hearts and transform us from within, God will choose to overlook our sins, and be gracious and forgiving to us, allowing us in his eternal kingdom.

Do not waste any time, therefore: Get on your knees and pray: Invite Jesus to enter your heart, to change it and rule it.

If you invite him, in all honesty, he will give you his Spirit that will change you from the inside out…

And you will not only change for the better, living a holy and loving life filled with good deeds, but you will also live, one day, forever near God, where happiness is paramount!

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