
What God expects from his followers…

How beautiful is the message that this song promotes: that of not ignoring those we see living in distress, and start whistling indifferently on our way past them…

That is, of course what God expects from his followers…

Many people try to please their Creator by going to church often, singing hymns, praying,  fasting and denying themselves – at times- of comfort and pleasurable activities.

All these religious efforts of ours are good and help us to keep ourselves closer to God and away from sin.

But God demands more from us.

In the book of Isaiah, our Lord tells us:

“Do you think that your prayers will be heard just because, from time to time, you pray, you fast and deny yourselves of a sort, when on other times you show no respect for others, but you take advantage and hurt whoever you can?

If you want to please me and cause me to pay attention to your prayers, then do not pretend to not see how hurtful, and unjust you are towards others…

Stop being nasty, even evil, towards the less fortunate.

Learn instead to share your food with those who are hungry.

Start bringing in your home those who are homeless, and  provide clothes to those who do not have enough to cover themselves…

If you do not hide yourself from those who need you, but help them,  then your life will be filled with light, and your health will be returned to you, and the Lord your God will protect you and answer your prayers.

Stop, however threatening and oppressing others, excusing  yourselves behind empty words…

Open your heart to those who are in need and bring joy to those who are in sorrow.

Then, the Lord your God will guide you in your life, and will satisfy your soul’s needs, and you will be like a garden through which runs a spring whose waters never fail.

You can read for yourself this passage in the Bible, in the book of Isaiah, chapter 58.

Many of us live in paradise, so to speak… Let us give a hand to lift others from the terrible life they found themselves in.

God will put such actions to our credit!

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